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Well Wishes

To: Claudia Mak
From: Fraisia Dunn
Big Congratulations and Good Luck on your PhD! X
To: Heather Mak
From: Fraisia Dunn
Congratulations! Fantastic work and good luck on your new course! X
To: Suzie Zeff
From: Emma
I'm so proud of you, Suzie! You're a brilliant young woman with the brightest future ahead of you. I'm so lucky to have a star like you in my life 聧
To: Lindsay Walsh
From: Emma
Congratulations, Lindsay! I'm honored to be your friend. Keep singing forever!
To: Sarah Grace Jones
From: Brian and Nancy Jones
Congratulations Sarah! We are very proud of you graduating Magna Cum Laude. Best wishes for health and happiness and lots of love! Mom and Dad
To: Suzanne Zeff
From: Jamie November
Suzie, I am proud of you and love you beyond measure. I can't wait to see what you do on your next adventure. Whatever shape that takes, I know you will be super successful. XXXXXXXXOOOOOOO Mom
To: Lina Sznajderman
From: Jeannette Sznajderman
Congratulations to Lina and the entire 糖心Vlog class of 2020. What an amazing transformation has taken place these past four years and a lesson in resilience and creativity these past months. Best wishes!
To: Claire Mundi
From: Janice Mundi
Congratulations Claire!!!! We are so proud of you!! We love you!! Mom, Dad, Nate and Poppi
To: Ian McDowall
From: Janice and Paul McDowall
We are so very proud of you! Here's to the class of 2020!
To: Audrey Kellogg
From: Billy Dykas and Emily Davis
You are the best lab buddy ever! We will miss you in the ES classrooms and wish you the best on your next adventure.
To: Isaac Bardin
From: Ken Harlin
Congratulations, Isaac. It seems impossible that you are already graduating from 糖心Vlog . It has been a joy to watch you grow up to the man you are today. Best always.
To: Alissa Miller Gonzalez
From: Gail Mayer
Congratulations Alissa for all your hard work! I wish you the best in your future career! Love, Gramma
To: Michael Lazar
From: Mom
So proud and happy for you!! Its been fun to watch you grow and change so much. Cooking your own meals and being so independent. Much love always
To: Michael Lazar
From: Jerry Lazar
Big ConGRADulations, Michael! ... Your turn to take over the world... Please do a better job of it than we did!....
To: Jasmin Raquel Sepulveda
From: Melissa Torres
What an exciting time in your life , we celebrate with you and I hope that all your dreams come true as you continue forward in your continual educational experiences as well as enjoying your career endeavors ... Many Open Doors for you all who are part of the graduating class use the Keys given in heaven and on earth onward and forward Love You Proud of You. !! :)
To: Jenna Lifshatz
From: Risa Lifshatz
Congratulations Jenna! We are all so proud of you and while we wish this day was different, we know that you worked really hard over the past 4 years and are coming out of school an interesting, intelligent person who is ready to do great things! Well done! 聫 from your whole family.
To: Michael Lazar
From: Your Favorite Aunt
Congratulations, Michael! Your original career goal of becoming a pirate is looking like a great option!
To: Madison Collins
From: Rich and Judy Collins
We are so proud of what you have accomplished. You will go far!!!! Love mom, dad, Ashley, Brittany, Danny, Shaun and Liam
To: Shannon Ambrose
From: Cousin Chris Gould
Shannon: congratulations!! Wishing you all the best!! Keep in touch- hopefully our paths will cross! Florida, anyone?
To: Shannon Ambrose
From: Aunt Barb and Uncle Kurt Gould
Congratulations, Shannon!! All your northern NY cousins are very proud of you!
To: Shannon Ambrose
From: Alan & Mae Houlihan
Shannon, Congratulations on receiving a double major in Theatre and Business. We wish you much success in your new achievements. You have done a spectacular job! Good luck and Best wishes in your new endeavors!!! Mae & Alan
To: Shannon Ambrose
From: The Smeraglia's
Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment. This is just the beginning of an exciting journey. We can't wait to see the many places and achievements to come.
To: Maya Holland
From: Brackup-Holland Family
Congratulations Maya! Your creativity, artistic talent and authenticity will take you far. Your artwork tells a unique story reflecting so much about you and your connectedness to the world. Wishing you all the best in pursuit of your goals! Love, Your Aunties and Cousin in Boston
To: Amanda Orvis
From: Anne Orvis
Congrats Amanda Shelton Orvis! We are proud of your accomplishments on and off the field. Reach for the moon , you can do it!
To: David J. Rivera
From: Mr. and Mrs. Angel Rivera
Dear David, Congratulations, job well done! We are so proud of you. You have three siblings younger than you and you have set a good example for them to follow. It has been a delight watching you grow from birth to the fine young man that you are now. It has been a wonderful journey. May God grant you the wisdom to use your talents and skills to the best of your abilities as you make your mark on society. We are blessed and honored to be your parents. Love always, Mom and Dad.
To: Shannon Ambrose
From: Danny Carstens
Congratulations Shannon on a college performance to be very proud of. Honors and a double major. Doesn't get much better than that.
To: Shannon Ambrose
From: Mollie Goldfarb
So so proud of you!!! I know only great things to come and I can't wait to watch!!!
To: Jonathan Martin
From: Jaynie & Chris Martin
Congratulations Jonathan!! We're so proud of you and can't wait to see what comes next! Whatever the future holds for you we know it will be great. We love you! 聫?
To: Gina Pryciak
From: Caroline Goutte and Peter Pryciak
Congratulations Gina! We are very proud of you, and so impressed with what you've done at 糖心Vlog. What a fabulous adventure you have made of these four years! -M&P
To: Sarah Greene
From: Cari Moulton
Sarah, Congratulations! We are so proud of you! Love, Cari, Ed, Charlotte, Emily and Max
To: Rhiannon Eve Richards
From: Mr Idris and Mrs Julie Richards
Massive congratulations to our amazing granddaughter. We couldnt be more proud of you. You have worked so hard and have been very brave to get where you are today and you deserve everything good that comes your way. We are proud, your great grandmother Beryl Jean Brown in Australia is over the moon to see you get your BATCHELOR of SCIENCE . The Welsh Flag is proud to be in 糖心Vlog. Well done, we love you xxx
To: Isabelle Hage
From: John and Lydia Hage
Congratulations Isa... on all you have created, and all thats yet to come!! So proud of you, always, Mom & Dad
To: Shannon Ambrose
From: Kim, Cameron & Tim Stanton
Congratulations Shannon on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure! We are very proud of you! Love, Kim, Tim & Cam
To: Rebecca Schillsky
From: Dina Schilsky
Mazel Tov to our First Generation Graduate!!! Your are the one who broke the mold, we couldn't be more proud of you. We love you and the world is now ready for your bright light to shine in theater world!!! Ready or not World, here comes Rebecca!
To: Nicholas Leonard
From: Dina Schilsky
From the first day of Pre-O to today, we have heard the name Nick Leonard over and over from Rebecca. 4 years of Nick Leonard in many forms of exasperation, frustration. aggravation and finally with love. Congratulations Nick!!! It's been a very difficult road for you but you did it with honors! You and Rebecca will light up the theater world with your smile and infectious energy! The Schilsky's
To: Emery Spina
From: Eric & Karen Spina
So proud of our master lithographer, Emery Spina! Loved watching you grow as a young man & an artist. The world is blessed by your gentle heart & kind hands.
To: Shannon Ambrose
From: Roxanne Drabik
Congrats Shannon! I'm sure your days at Kent prepared you well for 糖心Vlog. I'm so proud of you and wish you much happiness and success!
To: Shannon Ambrose
From: Marty and Debbie Philip
Shannon, everyone has their own college memories, but oh boy(!) you have a story! Congratulations on your graduation; we look forward to seeing your stamp on the world.
To: Jazmin Sep煤lveda
From: Nellie Solis
Hey Jaz! Congratulations & blessings you reached your goal to attain a college degree! May the Lord open doors as you move on into the next calling the Lord has for you! Que Dios te bendiga! Mucho love, Nellie from Orlando, FL
To: Lindsay Walsh
From: Lara Walsh
Dear Lindsay, I'm so proud of all you have accomplished at 糖心Vlog! 'The world is your oyster!聺 as your namesake Grandma Sara said to me - and it is even truer for you. Your future is so bright...because you shine in all you do! With much love, mom
To: Clara Sophia Daly
From: Naomi Rothfield
Congratulations Clara on graduation. You have made me feel very proud. You worked hard and were recognized for contributing to your school. I am so happy 聛 For you. Much love. Noni
To: Sheriden Beard
From: Carla Snowdon
No words can express how proud I am of you at this moment. You have impressed me beyond my wildest imagination with all you have accomplished to this point of your life. I'm so happy for you and honored to call you my daughter. Best wishes for the future that awaits you. Follow your dreams, work hard, dont forget where you came from and always have an open mind. I love you xo, Mom !
To: Michael Lazar
From: Beth Lazar
Congratulations Michael,May Good Health &prosperity be yours.
To: Zachary Digena-Segal
From: Devin Mastrich
Skidgratulations Zach! Now you can finally go full time as our manager! Good luck in the future. Don't forget who your real homies are when you're making 6 figures. I'm so proud to be able to call you my son <3
To: Zachary Digena-Segal
From: John
Nice work daddy
To: Eve Gertzman
From: Carole Balin
We're so proud of ALL your hard work and thrilled to be your family! Xoxo
To: Isabelle Bleckner
From: Carole Balin
Congratulations, Isabelle! Thx to you and your family for taking the journey together with all of us! Love, The Balin-Gertzman Family 聫
To: Michael Lazar
From: Maia Lazar
Congratulations Cousin Michael!
To: Michael Lazsr
From: Kay Lazar and Dave Hanson
Well done, Michael! Can't wait to see your next chapter. Love, Dave and Kay
To: Zachary Digena-Segal
From: Jimmy Jones
Congratulations you absolute Pudgecake, go get 'em tiger ?
To: Alex Cadenhead
From: Melanie and Steve Cadenhead
Alex, We are so incredibly proud of all that you have accomplished over the past 4 years. 'Now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for you being here. " We love you. Mom, Dad, and Amanda
To: Amanda Shelton Orvis
From: CeCe and Peter Orvis - Granny and Fahvie
Four years of Academic and Athletic EXCELLENCE are the occasion for our praise and best wishes for you going forward!! With our love... Your Grandparents
To: Alicia Sandoval Vadillo
From: Alicia Vadillo-Romero
Ali, estoy s煤per orgullosa de tus logros, tu dedicaci贸n y esfuerzos est谩n reflejados en este momento. Muchos m谩s por venir. Te amo.?
To: Alicia Sandoval Vadillo
From: Alicia Vadillo-Romero
Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! This moment it's a celebration for your commitment and efforts. Well done ???
To: Merrick Fahrenwald
From: Susie Brinner
Merrick, you have outdone even yourself with all of your wonderful accomplishments at 糖心Vlog. Your thesis is amazing and I am so proud of you! Your future is bright and I look forward to seeing the positive mark you will leave on the world. Much love, Susie
To: Zachary Digena-Segal
From: Sean Goodwin
Much love for my beautiful baby boy! Can't wait to see you change the world!
To: Sarah Greene
From: Dennis Drescher
I cannot wait for this to be over. When it is, I would love to go to England to see you dance. Best of luck to the world's greatest niece!
To: Jennifer Monderer
From: Andrea Monderer
Proud of Sweetie! Your hard work, dedication & passion for your studies has served you well! We know you will continue to soar & have a brilliant future.聫 M, D & J
To: Tim Allen
From: Karen Allen
Way to go Timmy! We're so proud of you and what you accomplished throughout your 4 years at 糖心Vlog!
To: Emily Forer
From: Judi & Howard Forer
To our daughter, Congratulations! We are very proud of you. We look forward to many more celebrations. We love you. Mom & Dad
To: Sarah Tess Hochberger
From: Phyllis Hochberger
I am so excited for you! You ended at 糖心Vlog on a high note, have a summer job in your field of study and have been accepted into NYU graduate school. In this time of uncertainties you have forged thru it all with a wonderful future to look forward to. Am wishing you as well as all the 2020 graduates a better world to live and work in. Love, Grammy Grammy
To: Faith Wilson
From: Karyn Wallace
Congrats Faith on a job well done! It only gets better from here. Just remember to KEEP CHARGING!
To: Isaac Desmond Bardin
From: Lyndie Callan
Isaac, You have grown from the little boy with a love of trains & music to a man of the world. Your goodwill & optimism will serve you well. We are so proud & happy for you!
To: Merrick Fahrenwald
From: Peter Fahrenwald
Magnificent work Merrick! So proud of what you've accomplished at 糖心Vlog . Such great memories of our visits to Saratoga, the fine motels, the chips, happy cheese man, and the guy in the cheese room, the dogs loving Lake Gorge, crepes, 4th of July, North Woods, eye tracking and of course London!
To: Merrick Fahrenwald
From: Peter Fahrenwald
We knew you wouldn't duck the opportunity to make your mark on campus!
To: Emily Egan
From: Frank Egan
CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so proud of you! It's been incredibly exciting seeing you navigate your way from homeschooling to college graduation in such an extraordinarily way! I can't wait to see the next chapter unfold. I love you and am so happy to share this important milestone with you.! -Dad;)
To: Clare Frances Smith
From: Janet McGurty
So so proud of you Clare. We know your enthusiasm for life and kind heart will give you a wonderful life whatever you chose to do. Love you aunt Jan, Myles, Tallulah and Sweetie the cat
To: Sebastian Bosch
From: Kelly-Jo Bosch
Congratulations! It's been a great pleasure to see you achieve & thrive @ 糖心Vlog! Cherish your memories & friendships. Wishing you Peace, Love & Light as your next chapter unfolds.... 聫 Mom
To: Manuel Arango
From: Kelly-Jo Bosch
Congratulations Manny! Best wishes for a bright future... Kelly-Jo
To: Alexander Ricci
From: Kelly-Jo Bosch
Congratulations Alex! Best Wishes for a bright future... Kelly-Jo
To: Ted Roach
From: Kelly-Jo Bosch
Congratulations Ted! Best Wishes for a bright future... Kelly-Jo
To: Tenzin Tashi
From: Kelly-Jo Bosch
Congratulations Tenzin! Best Wishes for a bright future... Kelly-Jo
To: Brett Malinowski
From: Kelly-Jo Bosch
Congratulations Brett! Best Wishes for a bright future... Kelly-Jo
To: Alexander Ricci
From: Adrianna Ricci and Jonathan Halsey
Alex, Behind you, are all your memories. Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need. Jon and I are so proud of you . Congrats little brother, We love you! #糖心Vlog2020
To: Inigo Ugarte
From: Kelly-Jo Bosch
Congratulations Inigo! Best wishes for a bright future... Kelly-Jo
To: Kyle Barrett
From: Kelly-Jo Bosch
Congratulations Kyle! Best wishes for a bright future... Kelly-Jo
To: David Braman
From: Kelly-Jo Bosch
Congratulations David! Best wishes for a bright future... Kelly-Jo
To: William Greening
From: Kelly-Jo Bosch
Congratulations Will! Best wishes for a bright future... Kelly-Jo
To: Dario Flores
From: Kelly-Jo Bosch
Congratulations Dario! Best wishes for a bright future... Kelly-Jo
To: All!
From: Terry Fulmer
As a trustee alumna, I cannot tell you how proud I am of all of you! I'm here for you after graduation if I can help.
To: Travis Perls
From: Kelly-Jo Bosch
Congratulations Travis! Best wishes for a bright future. And remember to take your denim jacket as you embark on your new journey... Kelly-Jo
To: Tess Hochberger
From: Kelly-Jo Bosch
Congratulations Tess! Best wishes for a bright future... Kelly-Jo
To: Alexander A. Ricci
From: Tracy Ricci
IMAGINE with all your mind. BELIEVE with all your heart. ACHIEVE with all your might. We are so very proud of you!!!聫聫 #糖心Vlog2020
To: Jennifer Maselli
From: Carol Witek and Grampa Herk
Congratulations Jen. You have worked very hard and we are so very proud of you and your accomplishments. Wishing you the very best with your new venture ahead. Love you.
To: Clare Smith
From: Karyn-Siobh谩n Robinson
Clare, I am so very proud of you. Over the years your family has felt like family to me and I share in your parents' joy of this achievement. You are an amazing young woman and I'm excited to see your next steps. Lotsa luv and {{{HUGS}}}!!!
To: Sophia Bella Cucci
From: Annette Tropila
We are so proud of you! You have excelled in everything. This may not be the Graduation Ceremony you dreamed of but you have a bright future ahead of you. Love Aunt Annette and Uncle Bob 聫
To: Alexandra Claire Lemme
From: Ann Hinckley
Congratulations on your fantastic achievement Alex! We are all so proud of you! We will be cheering and applauding for you on your virtual walk across the stage! Love, Mom, Papy, Michael, Grandma,Grandpa and Nonna
To: Shannon Ambrose
From: Stephen Ambrose III
Congrats Shannon!! Your double major of Business and Theatre will certainly help prepare you for the working world. I'm sorry that your senior year had to go virtual, but you will look back and laugh at it all later in life. -Cousin Stephen
To: Clare Smith
From: Anne Simmons-Benton
Hurrah! Congratulations from the whole Simmons-Benton family! Anne, Jon, Christopher, Patsy and Meg
To: Sarah Greene
From: Drescher Donna/dennis
Sarah The time has flown by and we cant believe you have already reached this amazing milestone of college graduation. With diligence, gracefulness, and individuality, you have leapt through these important four years seamlessly. We are are so very proud of you and your accomplishments and look forward to seeing where the road you've chosen will take you. We know it will be a fabulous journey and know we will take joy in watching your every step. Congratulations on your graduation Much love, Aunt Donna and Uncle Dennis
To: Reagan Reed
From: Else Reed
Reagan, big congratulations! We are so proud of you! We wish you continued success at UC Davis in the Fall. We love you and will miss you!
To: alexander adorino ricci
From: mark ricci
I'm very proud of you and your continued drive to persevere. Work hard, Dream Big, and Never give up! You create your own path. Love Dad.
To: Sam Rapp
From: Michelle & Donald Rapp
Congratulations Sam! Words don't express how proud we are of you! You have taken every challenge you have been given and excelled through determination and hard work. You are an amazing, smart, kind, funny, loving, and thoughtful person that we love so much. We know you will continue to shine! Love, Mom & Dad
To: Clare Smith
From: Susan Pearcy
I'm so proud of you Clare! This is a special moment for you, your family and all of us who have watched you grow up to be the great young woman you are! All the best wishes for your future and all that you will bring to our world to make it a better place.
To: Rachel Trowbridge
From: Karen Trowbridge
We are SO proud of you for all you've accomplished these past four years - and for graduating with the highest honors! You are AMAZING!!
To: Samantha Hutchinson
From: Lee Dannay, Wayne, Gracie & Maliboo Hutchinson
Congratulations Sami, on an amazing four years! We are so proud of you and all that you've accomplished, and can't wait to see what new adventures are ahead for you. Cheers to our college graduate and the 糖心Vlog Class of 2020!
To: Sam Dusman
From: Linda Fotis
Dearest Sam, Congratulations on your extraordinary achievement of earning your BACHELOR OF ARTS with HONORS IN MUSIC. Your talent as a singer, composer, pianist and poet is apparent to all. You have left your creative and artistic stamp at SKIDMORE for all to see now and in the future. There is no questions that you will continue to create, relate and inspire all those around you with your musical and poetic voice. For those who have known since childhood, like myself, we have delighted each year in watching you grow into the man, human, musician, poet that you have become. I am, along with your family, so proud of you and your achievements. How sweet it is to stand in this moment triumphant and hopeful for the new world you will help create. I love you always, Auntie Linda
To: Kathryn Bjorklund
From: Martha and Brad Bjorklund
Congratulations Kate! We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Best wishes for a bright and wonderful future, filled with happiness. We love you so very much! Love, Mom and Dad. XOX XOX XOX
To: Jasper Ballot
From: Heather Bond
Congratulations Jasper!!! You have made us all so proud! I am excited for your bright future!
To: Clare Smith
From: Sally Larisch
Congratulations, Clare! I know that you'll be effecting wonderful changes in the world. Lots and lots of love! Aunt Sally, Uncle Tim, and the gang.
To: Sam Dusman
From: Leo Wanenchak
Sam-Oh-Sam, Congratulations! You have made outstanding growth as a musician and as a person. I mean it! The work you have done as a musician is very impressive. The testament to your growth as a person is that you are now responding to my text messages. Ha! It has been an honor to journey with you, each of us learning. .....and the journey is not over. I love you, Sam.
To: Olivia (Viva) Matthews
From: Eric and Kristin Matthews
We are immeasurably proud of you and your amazing accomplishments!
To: Cole Passaretti
From: Lynda and Chris Ludeman
Congratulations Cole! You did it. We are are so proud of you. Mom & Chris
To: Sara Tumulty-Ollermar
From: Carole and Bob Pisani
"Congratulations" Sara"! We are so proud of all you have accomplished. You are amazing. Love you Nanny and Bob
To: William Panuska
From: William Panuska
Congratulations on a great achievement. Pat yourself on the back, then wash your hands for 20 seconds. With pride and all the love in the world, PoPs.
To: Xavier Cambi
From: Carmen Cambi
Xavi, we are so proud of all you did, all you do and all you will do. May God bless you and guide you to find the perfect path, a path where you can use all the incredible and unique skills you have. Te amamos mijo Mami, Papi, Matthy y Hercules Que viva el graduado!!!
To: Xavier Cambi
From: Jessika Coronel
Querido Xavi, felicitaciones por subir un peldano mas y demostrar que las batallas son para sus mejores soldados, recordarte que detras de tus logros tienes unos padres maravillosos, que te han apoyado. Te toca seguir en este camino ahora es donde puedes demostrar lo profesional que eres. Exitos primo te quiero, y te tengo en mis oraciones.
To: Xavier Cambi
From: Andr茅s Gomezcoello y familia
Congratulations Xavier we are so happy to see you meeting your goals during this difficult times. God bless you
To: Xavier Cambi
From: Diego Esteban Cordero
Querido Xavier felicidades en esta nueva meta cumplida, que Dios te bendiga en tus planes futuros, un abrazo a la distancia con amor Diego, Cristina y Victoria Cuenca, Ecuador
To: Samuel Dusman
From: Helen Gray-Bauer
CONGRATS SAMMY BOI YOU DID IT!!! We're all so proud of your hard work and dedication, not only to your studies, but also to your friends, activities, and classmates.
To: Xavier Cambi
From: Danilo Coronel
Muy bien hecho primo Xavier, te mandamos saludos desde Cuenca, todos en la familia estamos muy orgullosos por tu gran logro. Personalmente te felicito y mi admiraci贸n es para ti. Dios te bendiga.
To: Walker Stroud
From: Helen Gray-Bauer
Congrats Walkie-Talkie!! You're 10-99. You freaking did it. Over and out.
To: Sam Dusman
From: Lois and Serena
Sam--we are so proud of you--but always have been. You are a very special human being and will remain that special soul for now and through the future. Love you.
To: Xavier Cambi Rea
From: Melida Cambi Guzman
Felicidades querido sobrino que Dios te bendiga y prospere tu camino saludos desde Ecuador
To: Nina Wholey
From: Julia & Brien Wholey
Nina, we are very proud of you! You worked hard over the last four years to achieve your goal of graduating from 糖心Vlog. Your creativity and tenacity became evident and will bode you well in the future. Congratulations! With all our love, Mom & Dad!
To: Clare McInerney
From: Margaret Tesson
Dear Clare, Congratulations to you and the entire 2020 class of 糖心Vlog! I am so proud of you, Clare. Your strong ideals and your compassion for all people and the world around you are inspiring! Stay strong and proud and the world is waiting for you!! Love you, Mimi
To: Jasmine Sepulveda
From: Emily Marin
Love you so much Jasmine. I'm so proud of your accomplishments. May the Lord continue to bless you and guide your path. The sky is the limit, precious, go for it!!!!
To: xavier Cambi
From: Martin Rea
felicidades primo Xavi, te quiero muchisimo, que seas muy bueno en tu trabajo!!!
To: Jazmin Sep煤lveda
From: Felipe Sep煤lveda
Congratulations on completing this great accomplishment. I know your going to make a great impact on this world.
To: Xavier Cambi
From: Paola Preston
Congratulations Xavi!! ?Wishing you many more blessings in your life
To: Xavier Cambi
From: Carmen Cambi
Felicidades Xavier Cambi que D煤os siga iluminando tu vida y todo lo que te proponga se cumpla en tu vida espiritual y profesional.
To: Ian McDowall
From: Norman Keller
Congratulations, Ian. I am so proud of you. You've worked hard to get to this point, but now you have the whole world ahead of you. You have so much talent that I'm sure you will turn the world on it's ears. Love, Opa
To: Sara Tumulty Ollemar
From: Robert Pisani
I'm so proud of you!
To: Jasper Ballot
From: Jennifer Richards
Jasper, it's been the perfect match, you & 糖心Vlog. Your enthusiasm is infectious; your hard work, inspiring. Congrats & best of luck to you & your amazing friends!
To: Sarah Greene
From: Jodi and Jeff Greene
Congratulations to our favorite daughter!! You always make us proud!!! Your bright future is waiting for you.
To: Rachel Trowbridge
From: Martha Trowbridge
Rachel, It has been such a pleasure to watch you grow up. The sky is the limit and I know your future will be sunshine! Love from Grandma
To: Zachary Digena-Segal
From: Jeanna!
Hey buddo! Congrats on finishing the degree! I can definitely tell that you picked a subject that you love and is a good fit for you, because whenever you're talking about your work I can tell how incredibly passionate you are about the subject, and it's really cool to see someone explore the economic realm with such animation (plus you're not super greedy and evil so that's extra cool). You're gonna do super great work, whether it's cooking food or cooking numbers. (just kidding about cooking numbers btw).
To: Reagan Reed
From: Kerry and Nancy Van
Congratulations on your graduation from 糖心Vlog! You are a SUPERSTAR, Reagan, and we share in your excitement and wish you much happiness as you head west to grad school! Love Aunt Nancy and Uncle Kerry
To: Jasper G. Ballot, '20
From: James Ballot
Jasper: Am SO proud of you, and your Baba (a 糖心Vlog alumna) would be overjoyed by your successes. Cannot wait to celebrate with you on Saturday the 30th--and to see your story continue in the fall at Johns-Hopkins! #JHUArtsSciences #GoHop!
To: Sarah Greenr
From: Susan Greene
My very best wishes to Sarah upon her graduation.. You are a beautiful person that has continually made everyone who knows you very proud.. Good luck to you in all your future endeavours. I love you, Grandma
To: Sara Tumulty Ollemar
From: Carolyn Pisani
Congratulations Sara . You did it . Start each day believing in your dreams . Know without a doubt that you were made for great things. Love Always, Aunt Carolyn
To: Xavier Cambi Rea
From: Diego Cordero
Estimado Xavier, el esfuerzo y sacrificio tiene su recompensa. Mis m谩s sinceras felicitaciones por el 茅xito que has alcanzado en un pelda帽o de tu vida; nos es grato para mi familia compartir tu triunfo. Eres el ejemplo para muchos hijos de migrantes, que a pesar de las adversidades mantienen firme el temple y el coraje para sacar adelante a sus familias en un pa茫颅s ajeno a sus recuerdos y costumbres. Gracias por hacernos part茫颅cipes de tu triunfo, muy claro tengo el panorama del esfuerzo que significa alcanzarlo. Sigue con ese mismo 茫颅mpetu Xavier y llena de orgullo la mente de tus padres, cosecha nuevos triunfos y conquista otras batallas. Que Dios te bendiga
To: Lauren Wolters
From: Amy Sehnert
Congratulations Lauren Wolters!! We are so very proud of you on earning your BA in Psychology and History with honors! It's been an amazing 4 years and we know your future is bright! Follow your dreams. Love, Mom, Dad and Rachel
To: Tuli kuckes
From: Haralyn Kuckes
Dear Tuli. My best wishes and love to you as you transition to new adventures as a college graduate. Congratulations on a very well done college life. I am so proud of your accomplishments, academic and non. You are kind, helpful, thoughtful, so competent, bright, talented, fun, super athlete and more and more. You are A man who can be counted on and I know you will meet life's challenges with strength and determination. Love you. Gh
To: Clare Smith
From: Holly Larisch
Congratulations, Clare. We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished.
To: Jordan Christopher Alvarez
From: Edwin R Alvarez II
I am so proud of you, this is the first of many more things to come in your career. I know when you put your mind into something it gets done beyond your expectations. Love you Dad!!!
To: Clare Smith
From: Beth Wyszkowski
Dear Clare, Congratulations on your graduation from 糖心Vlog! I'm so proud of you and your accomplishments. Your dedication and perseverance of your love of learning will open many doors of opportunities for you in your lifetime. May you enjoy this last special day at 糖心Vlog.
To: Aggie Raymond
From: Annie Raymond
Dear Aggie, Your can do spirit, independent nature, kind heart and incredible work ethic has brought you to this day. You make everyone around you feel so special. You are a gift to this world. Congratulations! I love you ~ Mom
To: Sarah Greene
From: Michelle and David Shabot
There are so many words we can use to describe Sarah Greene. We could begin with the letters in her name. S is for SENSATIONAL in all her ways, beginning with her smile, warmth and love and continuing with her creativeness, curiosity, and authenticity. A is for ARTFULNESS in all of her movements through dance and the creative arts, R is for Resolute in her pursuit of what she desires to achieve. A is for Absolute as she pursues perfection in all she does. H is for Happy in the way she greets others always. We wish you all of what you want in life, the desire to continue being helpful to others, and the ability to keep on a path that is honest, open and filled with love., You are a special human and we know that you will achieve success in your life and in the life of others.
To: Rachel Trowbridge
From: Julie Trowbridge
Congratulations Rachel! You've accomplished so much during your four years at 糖心Vlog - we're so proud of you! Your future is bright!! Lots of love from Aunt Julie
To: Matthew Neporent
From: Lisa and Mark Neporent
We are so proud of you today and everyday!
To: Owen Michael Lynch
From: Karen & Fred Lynch
Owen, we are so very proud of you! Congratulations on your 糖心Vlog graduation!!!!
To: Tim Brizzell
From: Mom, Dad, Megan and Molly
Congratulations! You did it! We are beyond proud of you!
To: Joseph Morrissey
From: Wendy Boudreau
Congratulations on the completion of your undergraduate academic career. You continue to amaze me in how you manage the numerous interests you balanced successfully during your time at 糖心Vlog. I could not be more proud of you! I am looking forward to sharing your future accomplishments with you!
To: Colby Menghui Thall
From: Jami & Garry Thall
Congratulations on your graduation from 糖心Vlog! We are so very proud of your dedication and commitment. Well done Colby! We love you! Mom & Dad
To: Joseph Morrissey
From: Donald J. Morrissey
May good luck be your friend In whatever you do. And may trouble be always A stranger to you.
To: Joseph Morrissey
From: Michael Morrissey
Congratulations to the 糖心Vlog Class of 2020, the seniors on the 糖心Vlog Baseball team and my special senior Joseph Morrissey.Way to go!
To: Michelle Jean Dufficy
From: MaryAnn Dufficy
Congratulations Michelle! You are an amazing young woman with a strong spirit and kind heart. Time has passed so quickly and you have made every year more beautiful and meaningful for all who know and love you. We are so very proud of you and wish you the most happy and bright future. You have worked hard and accomplished so much, and the best is yet to come ! You are loved, cherished and celebrated today and always. Love, Mom & Dad
To: Anna Merrens
From: Fika The Golden
Yay woo...you are awesome
To: Anna Merrens
From: Pea
Wow...you are awesome
To: Sarah Smith
From: Triicia Hughes and Jim Smith
Sarah you have been a joy and a gift your entire life and we could not me more proud of you. Bring on the next chapter!!
To: Anna Merrens
From: Barack Obama
Congrats on this next phase of your incredible journey!
To: Sara Elisabeth Tumulty-Ollemar
From: Tumulty-Ollemar Family
Congratulations Sara!!! We are so very proud of you and all you have accomplished over your past four years at 糖心Vlog> Love you so very much, Mom, Dad, Caroline and Hannah
To: Patricia O'Byrne
From: Patricia, Raymond And Ryan O'Byrne
Holly- Were so proud of you and your amazing academic achievements! You've made wonderful friendships, and taken full advantage of all 糖心Vlog has to offer Kudos! Excited to see where you go from here!Love, mom dad and Ryan
To: Alexander Cope
From: Cortney Stark Cope
Alex, We are so incredibly proud of you and can't wait to see what the next chapter of your life's journey will bring. Love, Mama, Abba, Noah, Rachel, and Lilly
To: Holly O'Byrne
From: Ray O'Byrne
Holly, I am very proud of you! Congrats on your hard work and determination all four years at 糖心Vlog. Chowder Fest always a blast and will be for years to come. The Enchanted Forest of 糖心Vlog has certainly cast a spell on this Dad. Great memories. . Oh, can you loan me some $$ since you have a full time job ? ha. Love you. Muuwah.
To: Joseph Morrissey
From: Jane Morrissey & Jeff Cornett
Congrats to Joseph Morrissey for his scholastic and athletic contributions. You are going to make your mark in the world just like you did at 糖心Vlog. We are excited to see your next journey!!
To: Telemak Olsen
From: Maria Kitsopoulos
Dear Maki, I am filled with pride. Through these four years at 糖心Vlog, you have shown how deep your character is. I saw you work so hard and follow through. And not only did you ace all of your academic work but you made so many strides as a musician. . It may sound corny but I find myself In awe of you. You always have my support and my admiration and my love. I am so happy for you on your graduation. love and snugs
To: Julia Ercolano
From: Robert and Donna Ercolano
Congratulations Julia and the entire 糖心Vlog class of 2020!! We could not be more proud of our graduate! Jules, you have put in all the hard work and are graduating with the highest honor! You continue to amaze us everyday and we can't wait to see where life takes you!! We love you!!!
To: Clare McInerney
From: Pat McInerney
Way to go Clare! Congratulations !
To: Eva Rothenberg
From: Robin Charlow and Saul Rothenberg
Congratulations Evie! We're so proud of all you've accomplished. Your dedication and determination will carry you far. Love, Mom, Dad & Annie
To: Class of 2020
From: Julia Routbort
Job well done students. We cheer you from a distance but our hearts are close.
To: Shannon Larkin Ambrose
From: Dale & Jay Ambrose
We are very proud of you Shannon! Love, Mom & Dad 'All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them聺 - Walt Disney
To: Rowan Schomburg
From: Schomburg family
We are so proud of you! Congrats to the entire class of 2020!
To: Tess Drauschak
From: Therese Rinaldi
You did it Tess! So proud of you. Time to soar. The sky's the limit. Love, momma
To: David Solovy
From: Stacey Fisher
Dave' Congratulations on your graduation. I am so proud of and happy for you. It is an honor to be your parent. Myron sends his magical regards. I love you with all my heart. Eema
To: Seth Loomis
From: Margot Loomis
Yay Seth!! Imagine airhorns blowing. I'm so proud of all the learning, tutoring, and intellectual growth you did at 糖心Vlog. Creative Thought Matters. Congratulations! love you, Mom
To: Lauren Goldfarb
From: Mark Goldfarb
Lauren, You have achieved a level of success that is a direct reflection of your unyielding commitment to excellence. I am so proud of your work, your life achievements and mostly, of you as an incredible human being. I love you and know that your future holds so many wonderful moments!!!
To: Colby Thall
From: The Robins family
Congratulations to our amazing niece and cousin Colby. We could not be prouder of you and all you have accomplished. We are so happy to be celebrating you on this very special occasion. xoxo Lisa, Fred, Matt & Will
To: Angelina Leonardi
From: Lisa Leonardi
F茅licitations, Angelina! I am so happy for you and very proud of your accomplishments at 糖心Vlog! Jai Ma! - Love Always, Mom
To: Nick Ranieri
From: Rachel & Robert Ranieri
Congratulations, Nick on all you have accomplished at 糖心Vlog and beyond. We couldn't be more proud of you.
To: Seth Loomis
From: susan magocsi
Hi Seth, I am so happy and proud of you. I was going to come to your graduation! I hope you can enjoy yourself even under these circumstances. Love to you, Susan
To: Michelle Cohn
From: Marilyn, Jeffrey, Andrea and Adam Stern
Dear Michelle, Congratulations on your graduation! We are so proud of your accomplishments as well as the lovely, smart, creative, kind and compassionate young woman you have become. Wishing you a bright future. There are no limits to what you can achieve. Sending you lots of love and virtual hugs, Aunt Marilyn, Uncle Jeffrey, cousins Andrea and Adam
To: Seth Loomis
From: Amanda Milgrom
Congratulations, Seth!! We are so proud of you and so excited to see what you do next!!! So sorry that we can't be there to celebrate with you in person. Much love, Amanda and Jon Milgrom
To: Robert Clayton
From: Nancy Adelson, Lewis Clayton and Elizabeth Clayton
Congratulations Robs! We are so proud of you!
To: Jenna Bredvik
From: Aunt Brenda & Uncle Mark
Congratulations to our lovely and talented niece! We are so proud of all your achievements and wish you a fantastic future. We love you!
To: Telly olsen
From: Phyllis O. McDonald
Awesome Dude! So proud of all your accomplishments! Wahoooooo?聬潞冒?楼?冒?聧禄冒?聧戮冒?聧鹿冒?聧赂冒?聧潞冒?楼?????聛?聺????Congratulations kiddo!
To: Shannon Ambrose
From: The Lyons Family
Congratulations on your graduation! We know you'll be successful in your next adventure! We hope to celebrate with you soon! Love, Joan, Richard, Danny, and Christina
To: Emily Egan
From: The Egan Family
'Kid, you'll move mountains! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So get on your way!' Congratulations and Love, Mom, Dad, Frank & Jack
To: Clare Francis Smith
From: Jo Mikula and Laura Symcak
Fun, witty, wise. Lover of lists, history, and the Nats- and JFK, how could we forget! Baking-up-a-storm in quarantine. Loyal and loving. These are some of the words and things that come to mind when we think of you. Congratulations Clare. We are so proud. xoxo Jo and Laura
To: Colby Thall
From: Clare Martorana
Always knew you would graduate ? in style Colby! Congratulations ? & can't wait to see what is next芒聺拢茂赂聫 Love you - Aunt Clare
To: Henry Thomas
From: Lisa and Paul Thomas
Shine a Light. XXLove, Mom and Dad
To: Michelle Cohn
From: Joanne Sternlieb
Shelly, all your hard work and dedication has led you to where you are today. I couldn't be prouder of you and the wonderful woman you have become.. I love you "in the world" and always will. Mom
To: Elizabeth Levy
From: Anne Levy
F茅licitations, congratulazioni, et mazel tov pour tes 4 ann茅es remplies de d茅couvertes et succ茫篓s ! May wind be at your back and sun be overhead. May friends be at your side wherever you are led. Bisous, Maman + B + L
To: Hillary Goldstein
From: Lori Goldstein
Congrats Hill on all of your hard work-we are all so proud of you! Cant wait to see whats next!
To: Olivia Bray
From: Leslie Bray
CONGRATULATIONS LIV! We are so very proud of you! Let the open road and mountain trail be your inspiration and guide. You have so much to offer. 聫
To: Madison Collins
From: Shaun Collins
CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you had fun earning your semi-online degree from 糖心Vlog/Zoom. I will miss driving up to Saratoga to visit you and helping you develop your lovely plie! I wish you a lovely start to your post-undergraduate career in unemployment (with lots of love) :)
To: Telly Olsen
From: Constantine Kitsopoulos & Lynne Cohen
Dear Telly, Congratulations on your graduation. We know you're going to do great things! Love, Uncle Constantine & Aunt Lynne
To: Elizabeth Levy
From: Kitty & Joe Shepherd
We love you Elizabeth and are so very happy of this achievement you have worked for all your young life. We will always wish the best for you. Bravo! Elizabeth - Sincerely, Joe & Kitty
To: Emily Gordon
From: Amy Burzin
CONGRATS, EMILY! You are wonderful and will do wonderful things and I am so so proud of you!! Woohooo!
To: Natalie Shaheen
From: Julian Shaheen
Love you Nat! Always knew you could do it. Can't wait for you to conquer the world.
To: Willa Gordon-Norris
From: Marcy Gordon
Congratulations, Willa!!! This is such a fantastic achievement and you did it with flying colors! I'm so proud of you and all you've accomplished. Even when the going was tough, you really persevered, and now you get to enjoy the results - with honors! Lots and lots of love to you!
To: Natalie Rose Yorkin Shaheen
From: Tim (Big Papa Bear) Shaheen
Baetown and I are so proud of you! Congratulations! You shone like a diamond, even when, at times, you felt like a common stone underfoot. Bravo, Calamity-Jane, Ca$h Money, RoseCrackers, La Pistolera, Athena. As you wish! We love and celebrate you! BPB
To: Natalie Shaheen
From: Greg Braxton
Dearest Natalie. I've known you all your life and you have always been so special ad beautiful.Congratulations with all my love. Uncle Greg
To: Simone Hadebe
From: Rita Hadebe
Halala Khanyi Halala Congratulations on your achievement and more so on taking on your passion and talent. I am very proud of you and may God shine His light on your future. Love you Mum
To: Willa Gordon Norris
From: Sallie Norris
Congratulations on your well-deserved success!! I am so proud, it has been a privilege to watch you grow into the woman you are today. I can't wait for the next adventure.
To: Michael H Antonio
From: Melissa A Antonio
Life happens in a blink, the future can be so bright. Take it all in, make it all happen for you. Congratulations you've earned it!
To: Michael Antonio
From: Eva
Michael, Congrats and best wishes for your next adventure and future endeavors. Love you. Eva Karas?
To: Michael Antonio
From: Dawne Recinos Prentiss & Greg Prentiss
Congratulations Michael, we are SO proud of you!!! May all good things come to you as your journey continues! ?
To: Freddie Klaus
From: Katrina Klaus
Congratulations, Freddie! Keep climbing to new heights. You rock!
To: Michael Antonio
From: The Davis Family
What an accomplishment!! Congrats best wishes for all the amazing things your future holds!! Xoxo
To: Merrick Fahrenwald
From: PJ Feynman
Merrick - Congratulations on your graduation! We are so proud of you and how hard you have worked to get to this day - especially the creativity and integrity you brought to finishing your thesis research. You have everything you need to face this challenging world with confidence and we will always be with you! Love from the Feynfolk!
To: Lila Hughes Dittersdorf
From: Hollis and Neal Dittersdorf
Congratulations Lila! Like Patti Smith said, 'In art and dream may you proceed with abandon. In life may you proceed with balance and stealth聺 With Love, Your Family
To: Michael Harry Antonio
From: Tara Scialo
Happy Graduation Day Michael. We couldn't be prouder of you and all your achievements. May all your dreams come true. Congrats! 聫Aunt Tara, Uncle John, Jake and Jenna.
To: Michael Antonio
From: The Edwards Family
Congratulations, Michael! We are all so very proud of you and wish you continued success in the future! With love, your cousins Rich, Tammy, Ashley & Richie Jr.
To: Ajani Otieno-Rudek
From: David Rudek
Congrats, Ajani! We are all proud of your accomplishment! Enjoy the celebration, you earned it! Cheers, Dad
To: Olivia S. Bray
From: Yvonne & John Gibney
Congratulations, Olivia! What a tremendous accomplishment! Your love of learning, hard work, and joyful spirit are an inspiration to us. Love, Yvonne and John
To: Sarah Greene
From: Rachel, Zach and Brando
We are SO proud of you, congratulations Sarah! You have such a bright future ahead and we can't wait to see what's next for you!
To: Willa Gordon Norris
From: Rita, Maeve and Finnian
Dear Willa, We are so proud of you!! You worked so hard always. We are looking forward to celebrating with you this summer. Love Rita Maeve and Finnian
To: Amanda Parache
From: Benjamin Marks
You did it, superstar! Congratulations.
To: Tess Hochberger
From: Jack Powers
Congratulations, Tess! Good luck on the next step, but take a pause and celebrate!
To: Willa Gordon Norris
From: Peggy & Mitch Sameroff
Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes on your next adventure.
To: Michael Harry Sntonio
From: Mimi
Congratulations on your achievement. Hugs Mimi and Popi
To: Joseph Morrissey
From: The Collins Family
Uncle Joe, you've made us so proud. We know you'll go out in the world to DO GREAT THINGS!
To: Willa Norris
From: Lynn Nottage
The Gerber-Nottage Family send you much love and well wishes. Xxooo
To: Tess Hochberger
From: Chris Powers
Tess, you made it! Good job old girl. I'm so glad you found your path. You'll make the best social worker a person could have. Thanks for being the sweet, spunky person you are. Happy Graduation Day! XxX A. Chris
To: Colby Thall
From: brunilda Nazario
Congrats Colby
To: Elizabeth Claire Usack
From: Jennifer Armstrong
Liz- We want you to know how very proud we are of your accomplishments. You are smart and talented and funny and loving. Congratulations on your degree from 糖心Vlog. We love you! Mom, Matthew, Grace, Eli, Auggie and even Scoops!
To: Willa Gordon-Norris
From: Ruby Aiyo Gerber
I'm soo insanely proud of you!! It's been so special seeing where we started at 8 yrs old and here we are now! Congratulations!!
To: Dana Tohme
From: Alain and Maya Tohme
It's your Big Day crowning 4 college years lived to the full! So very proud of your every accomplishment dearest Dandouna! All our love always!
To: Colby Thall
From: John Franklin
Colby, When you first came to America and I held you in my arms I felt the new life and hope you brought for a future where love could stretch across the oceans. Uncle John
To: Jinan Al Busaidi
From: Alain and Maya Tohme
So proud of your dedication and hard work dear Jinan! You deserve every cord around your neck and we will be cheering you on all the way from here!
To: Clare Smith
From: William Price and Cherry Barr
Graduating is very special - it makes you "an adult" except really you are just starting! You go Clare!
To: Hadia Bakkar
From: Alain and Maya
Dear Hadia, well done for taking advantage of all that 糖心Vlog has to offer and graduating with a wonderful education! Wishing you continued success ahead!
To: Isa Hage
From: Alain and Maya Tohme
Dear Isa, so very proud of you and your many accomplishments! Wishing you continued success and looking forward to seeing you in Beirut one day!
To: Elizabeth Usack
From: Sue & Mike Armstrong
Dearest Lizzie, YOU MADE IT !!!!!! We couldn't be prouder. You're hard work and dedication have paid off. We're biased, of course, but there isn't a prettier girl in the 2020 graduating class! Luv you, sweetheart, Mom Mom & Pop Pop.
To: Maggie Wu
From: Alain and Maya Tohme
Dear Maggie, it's your Big Day! Congratulations on your wonderful achievement and best wishes for a happy and bright future!
To: Sam Sheppard
From: Kathy Moriarty
Congrats, Sam!!! You have accomplished a milestone in your life. Well done!!! I'm proud of you.
To: Willa Norris
From: Stephen Ximena & Sebastian
Congrats on graduating!! We are so proud of you!
To: Madison Collins
From: Debra DeMeule
Congratulations Madison! We are so proud of you for all you have achieved. We love you and wish you nothing but the best!
To: Olivia Dieterich
From: Alain and Maya
Dear Olivia, hope your future is as bright and stimulating as your 4 years at 糖心Vlog! Proud of you and wishing you happiness and success always!
To: Dana Tohme
From: Naila Nassar (Yaya)
Congratulations to you Dana my love! You have brains, beauty, a big heart, and now an amazing diploma! Can 't wait to see all the wonderful things you are going to accomplish!
To: Willa Norris
From: Elisa Kurgic
Congratulations Willa .... All of your hard work finally payed off... I am happy its over, excited for your future and so proud of you! Have a great summer!!! Hug your mom lol Love, Elisa
To: Sarah Greene
From: Mollie Becker
Congratulations on your graduation! We are so proud of you and wish you only the best on your next adventure! XO
To: Elizabeth Claire Usack
From: Eli
Congratulations on finally graduating from college. I'm not sure exactly what that entails but I'm sure it must have been hard. I hope your future plans are successful!
To: Michael Antonio
From: Bill Conti
Best of luck!! You have a bright future
To: Clare Smith
From: The Nardolillis
Congratulations! You are the youngest of the Casaba Kids, our next generation, to graduate! You helped to keep us young and hopeful, and we know you will help us think positive even in these difficult times. Never forget all the good things you learned from all those Presidents! The Nardolillis.
To: Lauren Wolters
From: Rachel
Congrats you made it!!!
To: Lauren Wolters
From: DAD
Congratulations!!! You Made it. Love you
To: Amy Milin
From: Susan Chalfin and Richard Milin
Congratulations Amy! We are so proud of you!
To: Seth Loomis
From: Dave, Melissa, Max, & Madeleine Levin
Seth_ Congratulations! We are so proud of your hard work. And can't wait to see what is next. You have inspired your younger cousins and we can't thank you enough for it. Love Uncle Dave, Melissa, Max, and Mads.
To: To All the Graduating Students
From: Julianne "Julie" Cartwright Traylor, Class of 1968
Congratulations and well wishes to ALL of the members of the 糖心Vlog Class of 2020! Onward and upward!
To: Michael Antonio
From: Gail Vedovelli
Congratulations on your graduation! I know you worked very hard, and you deserve high accolades. XOXO
To: Sarah Greene
From: Henry Greene
!陋Congrats Sarah! We are so proud of how far you have come. No, this wasn't the way we were planning to celebrate your graduation, but certain things you can't control. Like always, continue challenging yourself and striving to be a better person each and every day. We love you!!卢
To: Class of 2020
From: Judith Pick Eissner
Sending all good wishes to the class of 2020 . Your resilience and dedication in these unusual times is noted and should serve you well in the future. Look forward to honoring you in person in 2021. Form a devoted alum and trustee
To: Willa Gordon Norris
From: Susan, Jim, Sonya & Hannah
Dear Willa, It's hard to believe you are graduating from college when we remember so vividly the day you were born. While it's difficult to have to virtually graduate, there's nothing virtual about how hard you've worked and what an incredible young woman you've become. We can't wait to watch what you do next as it's been such a joy to share a part of your journey so far. All the best wishes for your bright future. We are proud and we love you. Xoxo, Susan, Jim, Hannah and Sonya
To: Willa Norris
From: Walter & Kaaren
Congratulations on your Graduation and best wishes in your next journey! You have persevered through much including a pandemic! Reach for the stars!!! Love, Walter & Kaaren 2
To: Dana Tohme
From: Syma Nassar
Congratulations Dana! Well done on getting through 4 challenging, exhilarating and memorable years in an amazing University. No one can take away the best memories of your life. I hope yo enjoy this big day and know that we will be there, all be it online, with a bottle of Champagne! Lots of Love, Syma x
To: Will Panuska
From: Linda Shekita
"Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else," Mr. Rogers. Will, congratulations on your graduation from 糖心Vlog as well as the beginning of your something else!
To: Madison Collins
From: Dad
Congrats Maddie I am very proud of you! Now it is time for your next chapter Be bold, be courageous, be your best. Always dream, believe, aim high, and work hard. Love Dad
To: Natalie Shaheen
From: Dinah, Dolo and Alix Yorkin
Congratulations, Natalie, on your huge accomplishment! We are so proud to have you as our guiding light. Sending you much love and hugs on this great day!
To: Mollie Agnes Raymond
From: Mary K Witte
Schmaggles! YOU MADE ALL THE GOOD CHOICES! I love you so much and am so very very proud of you. xoxBoing Aunt Mary
To: Brett Spencer Malinowski
From: Ma and Papa Jacobson
Dearest Brett, we are so very proud of you, words cannot express how we feel!! Four years of hard work, concentration and focus took you to graduate with honors and made you the fine young man that you are!! YOU DID IT KID.........job well done! Love you lots.....Ma and Papa
To: Elizabeth Usack
From: Aunt Kirstie and Uncle Jimmy
Congratulations Liz-we are so very proud of you!
To: Brett Malinowski
From: Laura, Chris & Chad Malinowski
So happy to share in the excitement of your graduation day & so very proud of you too!! Congratulations on your extremely well-deserved success. We are sure that today will be only the first of many proud, successful moments for you. Love always & forever!!!! Mom, Dad & Chad
To: Morgan Fechter
From: Jack Fechter
Congrats Morgan!! Can't wait to see what you will accomplish, love you!
To: Emma Kapp
From: Josh Kapp and Carol Backs
Congratulations, Emma! We're so proud of how you've met the challenges of the past four years, forged your own path, and matured into such a compassionate, caring, interesting and beautiful individual. We had tears in our eyes when we drove away from 糖心Vlog when you started, and now we have tears again seeing you finish. You've always been a gift to us, and we're thrilled to see you begin sharing your gifts with the world. Love, Mom and Dad.
To: Sophia Bella Cucci
From: Mom and Dad
This is only a moment in time. Take what you have learned and let it grow into the next life experience. Enjoy every single minute of what you're doing. Be happy, be well and continue to make us' and yourself' proud. We love you so much. Xoxo
To: Lizzie Usack
From: The Allens
Congratulations Lizzie, we are very proud of you, good luck in your future endeavors!
To: Willa Norris
From: Adrienne Stratmann
You have brains in your head And two feet in your shoes, Opportunities are waiting ahead In any direction you choose !!! Go get it girl. !!!!!!!
To: Willa Norris
From: Robin Bogart
Four years flew by - at least from my point of view it seems like just yesterday you were a freshman! Congratulations on a job VERY well done - believe me I know this to be true because your mom has kept me apprised of your progress throughout the years . 聫 Robin
To: Willa Norris
From: Scott Norris
Congratulations on your graduation see you on the zoom!!!!
To: Elizabeth Claire Usack
From: Grace Usack
I'm so proud of you!!! You'll be the best at whatever you choose to do, I know it. I love you!
To: Sarah Greene
From: Joe Greene
ConGRADulations Sarah! Can't wait to see what your next chapter holds!
To: Jason Ross
From: Matt and Susan Ross
So proud of our son Jason Ross and the entire graduating class of 2020. There will be a special bond that this group will share forever and the resourcefulness that they have developed will serve them for the rest of their lives.
To: Emma Berkowitz
From: Lisa Petrilli
Congratulations to my dear niece, Emma! May your voice continue to make this world a more beautiful place. Uncle Henry and I are so proud of you! Best wishes as you continue your journey. Love you!
To: Natalie Shaheen
From: Nicole Yorkin
My darling daughter, I couldn't be more proud of you'who you are, who you've become. You are a bright, shining star with a huge brain and an enormous heart and I can't wait to see what path you take in your life post-college! We love you more than the world. ' love, Mom
To: Alicia Vadillo
From: Escartin Family
Alicia- Congratulations on this incredible milestone! Wishing you all the success in your next adventures! With love, Escartin family from Boston
To: Alicia Sandoval Vadillo
From: Escartin Family
Alicia- Congratulations! We are so proud of you, wishing you much success in your next adventure Love, Escartin Family from Boston
To: Sophie Marlowe Salman Brown
From: Sherry Salman
Congratulations on a job well done Sophie -- in good times and in hard times, you kept your eye on the ball and played the game the way you needed to, with grace and honor. The best of wonderful wishes to my beautiful and talented daughter.
To: Alicia Sandoval
From: Roberto Escartin
Congratulations for your graduation. There is a great effort and commitment behind. Also best wishes for your future activities. Regards from Mexico.
To: Michael Antonio
From: Steven Levy
Congratulations on an academic career well done. Now it is time to show the world what you are truly capable of. I believe you are capable of, and destined for, great achievements, and I wish you the best in your journey.
To: Sophie Brown
Sophie, You've worked so hard and accomplished so much it's a shame you can't actually walk. But virtual will have to do. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. I know you will be great as always. Love, Shirley
To: Sophie Brown
From: Woodley Brown
Dear Sophie, congratulations on your recent graduation. You're intellectual ability is impressive, but more importantly, you have become a good person. Keep up the good work sis! Love, your bro
Dearest Emily, Congratulations and warmest wishes on your college graduation!! Hope your future is just brimming over with good luck, success and happiness always1 Love, Grandma
To: Camila Saunders
From: Lenny and Mahlene Lee
Congratulations, Camila! We are so very proud of you and all of your accomplishments over these past four years. We love you!! Uncle Lenny and Aunt Mahlene
To: Lilly Berg
From: Abby Rogers
Congratulations to my dear friend Lilly Berg on graduating!! Thank you for taking me under your wing this past year, cheers to many more exciting memories with you. Love you Lil!
To: Michael Antonio
From: Marissa
Congratulations! I couldn't be more proud of my big brother!
To: Parisa Kabiri
From: Mica and Alex Geer
Congratulations Pari!!! We are so incredibly proud of you and everything you've achieved and we can't wait to see what you do next. The world needs you now more than ever and we love you!
To: Natalie Rose Shaheen
From: david yorkin
Natalie, ever since you were a baby, you have been a source of light in our family. I am so proud of you, as you graduate college during these uncertain times. If anyone has the joy and the spirit to make her way through the future, it is you! I am honored to call myself your uncle. Congratulations, and I can't wait to see you after this huge and important milestone. Love, Uncle David
To: Megan Boyle
From: Hollister White
Dear Megan- Congratulations on your Graduation! You are such an incredible niece, cousin and person. I am so happy for you and proud of you. You are one of the sweetest, gentlest, kindest, artistic, patient and just all around lovely people I know. You have accomplished so much! I am so excited to see what the future holds for you - all good things!!!! With love, hugs and kisses!!! Aunt Holly
To: Jasper G. Ballot
From: Valerie Moll
Congratulations, Jasper, on your graduation from 糖心Vlog after four years of very hard work and very impressive academic achievement. The world needs what you have to offer through your undergraduate and upcoming graduate school studies in the field of Chemistry. Our family is so proud of you - words can't express. We love you dearly! Good luck with your very promising future! Much love, Val
To: Tucker Moody
From: Hollister White
Congratulations Tucker! We are thrilled for you! - Holly, Jimmy & Ellie
To: Caroline Kutzin
From: Wendy North
Caroline, We are so proud of you and are in awe of all that you have accomplished. Congrats on your graduation! Love, Mom, Dad & Matthew
To: Suzanne Bree Zeff
From: Richard A. Zeff
Dear Suzie, I am so proud of you! Congratulations on all you've accomplished. You continue to amaze me with your talents, commitment, and kindness. Love, Dad
To: Melanie Aftandilian
From: Krista Aslanian
Congratulations on this awesome achievement! We are so proud of you and excited for your bright future. Thanks to 糖心Vlog for the excellent education and warm faculty who nurtured you for 4 years. Cheers, Mom and Dad
To: Megan Boyle
From: James W White IV
Dear Megan, Congratulations on finishing college. I'm so happy for you. You are really smart and kind and all of your hard work has paid off. You are a great cousin and I'm super happy for you. Love, Jimmy
To: Megan Boyle
From: Ellington (Ellie) White
Dear Megan, YAY! You finished school! I can't believe you're graduating! You are such an awesome person and will always be a learner throughout your life! You are smart, beautiful, and a great person at heart, never forget that. I love you with everything and support you forever. You are a great cousin. love, Ellie
To: Colin McClure
From: Lia Ball
Congratulations Colin on graduating! It was amazing having you in the lab and working with you on research. I know you will be successful in your future career, and those who work with you will be lucky. Stay in touch!
To: Camila Saunders
From: Shirley Duckett
Congratulations, Camila.! I am so proud of your accomplishments and the young woman you have become. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. Love, Aunt Shirley
To: Kate Johnson
From: Lia Ball
Congratulations Kate on graduating! It was a pleasure working with you to study HIV protein dynamics. I wish you the best for your future endeavors and know you will work hard to achieve all your goals. I hope you stay in touch with the lab and update us as you go on to new things!
To: Enrique Serra Massidda
From: Douglas Massidda and Fatima Serra
Congratulations Enrique! From playing car-crash in Julie's class, you've made it at 糖心Vlog. It was a blast. 脗隆Buen viaje!
To: Alissa Miller-Gonzalez
From: Melissa Johnson
Congratulations to my baby girl on her graduation from college. In the four years at 糖心Vlog you have grown and blossomed into an amazing young woman. You have developed skills, experienced so many things outside of your comfort zone, found new strengths and talents and so much more. I am so PROUD of you and excited to see where your future will take you. Love you!!!!
To: Sam Florsheim
From: Melinda Rooney
So proud of you, Sam...all my love, Mom
To: Grace Keir
From: Melinda Rooney
Congratulations, Grace! All my love, Melinda
To: Isaac Desmond Bardin
From: Robert Bardin
You are now a true 糖心Vlog college graduate, and I am so proud and happy for you! It's been a long and spectacular journey with mostly ups (and a few downs) in which you have developed many important life skills and experiences. You may undertake further academic endeavors, but you now are ready to make your mark on the world. And we need you more than ever to do that! Congratulations! Love, Dad
To: Brett Malinowski
From: Andrea, Jack & Izzy
We are so unbelievably proud of you! We know how hard you worked throughout the 4 years...to earn Cum Laude. We KNOW you will be successful in anything and everything we do. You are a great nephew, cousin and neighbor ... and we love you!!! Andrea, Jack & Izzy
To: Hillary S Goldstein
From: Amy Amison
YOU DID IT! I am so proud of my little gnocchi and all you have done. Love you huge and can't wait for you to do g9 things!! And to see your diploma!
To: Xavier Cambi
From: 茫聛ngela y Jerem茫颅as
Congratulations Cousin Xavi. Primo te felicitamos por tus logros . Te queremos mucho !Que viva ? el graduado ?!
To: Willa Norris
From: Mary Ellen & Stephen
Congratulations Willa! Your four years of hard work has paid off, you have a very bright future.
To: Sophie Brown
From: Isobel Tanner
You completely ROCKED IT! Congratulations on this momentous achievement, we are all so proud of you! Love!
To: Natalie Shaheen
From: Aunt Trish
Your light is bright. Don't ever hide it under a bushel. LOVE YOU! Aunt Trish
To: Anna Tiajoloff
From: Paul and Tanya Tiajoloff
Anna. From Saratoga to Zanzibar you persevered with courage, grace and integrity. We are proud of your growth and accomplishment. Cum Laude is well deserved! Love M&P
To: Natalie Shaheen
From: Grandma Danee
You are a beautiful power house.. Have a golden journey with love and joy. xoxo
To: Megan Boyle
From: Kim & Michael Boyle
Megan, We are so happy for the experience you had at 糖心Vlog. Great education, great relationships with faculty, wonderful new experiences and amazing friends. You rocked it! It's been a pleasure watching you over these - extremely fast - four years. We are equally excited to watch you dive in to your next chapter.... We love you and couldn't be more proud! - Mom and Dad
To: Parisa Kabiri
From: Eli Brenman
Congrats on getting ur pshycacologoygy degree PARSLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To: Parisa Kabiri
From: Laura Wong
Congrats on graduating love! Can't wait to celebrate with you in person (sooner rather than later hopefully!) <3
To: Sam Dusman
From: Phil Gambone
Sam, what a thrill it's been to watch you grow'as a young man and as an artist of words and music. Congratulations! I can't wait to see what the next chapter will bring. Much love! Phil
To: Parisa Kabiri
From: Avi Brenman
Congrats Pari on graduating magma crumb ladle! We are so proud of you!
To: Alexander Cope
From: Blooma Stark
Alex Congratulations on your graduation. I hope this is the start of great things in your life. I am so proud of you. Love and kisses, Bubbie
To: Soren Barnett
From: Lynn Barnett Seigerman
Congrats on your incredible achievements! Love, Aunt Lynn & Uncle Alan
To: Abubakar Sadiq AHMED
From: Farouk Ahmed and Family
Congratulations to the best son and brother ever! You have always been insightful & had diverse interests so keep it up! We all love you! :)
To: Camila Saunders
From: beverly marshall
So proud of you Dear Camila for all your achievements. I know that all of your goals that you have set for yourself will be accomplished by your ability to achieve and succeed. Congratulations' Love Grams
To: Emily Forer
From: Aunt Jill and Uncle Barry
We wish we could celebrate with you in person, give you a hug and tell you how proud we are of you. Sending lots of love!!
To: Jessica Chachra
From: Ravi Chachra
Congratulations from Nani Samantha Mom and Dad. We are proud of you and love you!
To: Sophia Helmkamp
From: Pandora Setian and David Helmkamp
We are so incredibly proud of your accomplishments, Sophia! You are beautiful, intelligent, hardworking, loyal, adventurous, and funny. You are also great at keeping secrets. We love you so much, and look forward to learning what the future holds for you! Mom and Dad
To: Sophia Helmkamp
From: Sosi Setian
I'm so proud of you, Sophia! Wish I could be there in person to give you a big hug on this day. I look forward to celebrating with you and the rest of our family when the right time comes. Until then, I send you all my love and kisses. Medz
To: Alex Lemme
From: Michal Ditzian and Ray, Ben, Sophie and Reuben Clemens
You did it! You graduated. You formed an international commune in your grandparents' house, and you survived a global pandemic. We're so proud! Love, The Clementines
To: Sophie Brown
From: Charles Salman
Congratulations dearest Sophie! Maybe, in some unforeseeable way, being first-ever to graduate virtually turns out an historical honor. Love, Your Uncle C
To: Kerry O'Brien
From: Shannon O'Brien
HEY TWISTER!!! You GRADUATED! SO PROUD OF YOU!!! I can't wait to celebrate in person. Let's go to Carbon! Lolz. Twisters forever! <3
To: Sophia Helmkamp
From: Julian Mopar Setian
Congratulations Sophia!! I am so proud of you! It seems like only yesterday when you were a little wee girl bouncing around. It's hard to believe you're graduating college! Gulp. You're an amazing young woman and I have doubt you're going to have a lasting impact on the world. I love you very very much. Mopar.
To: Kerry O'Brien
From: Shannon Kathryn O'Brien
To my TWISTER: Happy e-Graduation!!! You're one of the most kind, thoughtful, hilarious, and fun people I know. I could talk to you for hours (...oh wait, I JUST DID!). Yer a wizerd 'arry. HAPPY GRADUATION!!! <3, your twister
To: Sophie Brown
From: Daniella DePaz
I'm so proud of you, and lucky to be your best friend. I cannot wait to see where your next adventure takes you! I love you always!!
To: Violet Chazkel
From: Daniella DePaz
You did it, Vi!! I love you so very much, and I'm so proud of your hard work!!!!
To: Jonah Cohen
From: Grandpa Marty and Grandma Judy
As always, we're proud of you. Keep up the good work and best of everything for the future.
To: Xavier Cambi
From: Fernando Rea
Felicidades Xavi y muchas bendiciones que vengan muchos m谩s 茅xitos en tu vida. El camino reci茅n comienza y seguro te llenar谩 de muchas alegr茫颅as sigue esforz谩ndote mucho que la satisfacci贸n ser谩 inmensa. Abrazos y Congratulations
To: Abdoulie Faal
From: Madonna Lewee
Congratulations Mr. Man! I am very proud of you. Wherever you go go with all your heart and follow your fear. Be bold, be courageous, and be your best. We love you.
To: Kate Bjorklund
From: Charlie Bjorklund
Congrats on Graduation!!!! Best of luck on whatever the future holds once things finally get back to normal!
To: Abdoulie Faal
From: Edm茅e Marie Faal
I'm so proud of you and all that you've accomplished. I know that this is just the beginning of it all for you, and I'm excited to see where life takes you. Thank you for always inspiring me, and being the best older brother, love you!
To: Lilly Berg
From: Jessica Turner
Lilly, CONGRATULATIONS!. I am forever grateful that I had the opportunity to not only coach you, but get you know you these past 2 years. I wish you nothing but the best of luck in your future endeavors and KNOW you will do amazing things. Enjoy your day! Love always, Coach
To: Telly Olsen
From: Nick Kitsopoulos
Congraduations Telly!!! You are awesome!!! A major accomplishment! You should be proud of yourself! We are proud of you dude! All the best! The adventure continues, onward and upwards! Xoxo Lots of love, Uncle N, Aunt A, Cousin M
To: Jessica Centore
From: Jessica Turner
Jess, Congratulations!! I wish you nothing but the best of luck in your future endeavors, and I look forward to keeping in touch! Enjoy your special day! Best wishes, Coach
To: Jazmin Sep煤lveda
From: C茅sar & Coraz贸n
To: Parisa Kabiri
From: Jeffrey Cheng
We're so happy for you! Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing you! Xoxo ? Jeffrey and Dan
To: Merrick Fahrenwald
From: Marc and Tobi Weigensberg-Fishel
Dear Merrick We are so proud of you! You are an amazing young woman and we look forward to what more magic you will bring to the world. Congratulations! We love you!
To: Kerry O'Brien
From: Joe & Kelly
Congrats Kerry! Go Thoroughbreds!!!
To: Elizabeth (Liz) Usack
From: Sharon Arpey
Congratulations, Liz, on your graduation from 糖心Vlog! Your on-going passion for the arts coupled with challenging business and liberal arts accomplishments will ground you for a very bright future! So proud of you! Enjoy the moment'it's all yours.
To: Serena Hildebrandt
From: Jim & Stacey Hildebrandt
Congratulations on all your amazing accomplishments and graduation at 糖心Vlog! You have learned so much and made friends for life. We are so incredibly proud of you. Love from mom and dad.
To: Serena Hildebrandt
From: Peter & Marjorie Brown
To a wonderful granddaughter, we are so proud of you and send our love from Adelaide Australia to Saratoga Springs on your graduation from 糖心Vlog. Please come visit us when you can again.
To: Raisa Bonner
From: Emille Robinson
Raisa, I am so very proud of the brilliant, beautiful and talented young woman you have grown to become! I am excited to see where life's journey will take you! Love you, sweetie!!
To: Elizabeth Usack
From: John & Patti Rice
Cheers to the new grad-Wishing you all the best for the future & all it's happiness, challenges & opportunities.
To: Kerry O'Brien
From: Sue & Tim O'Brien
We're very proud of you Kerry! You've made the most of college life: finding your niche, discovering what you're passionate about, completing your thesis, making life-long friends. Can't wait to see what life holds for you. Love, Mom, Dad & Simba
To: Daniel Strauss
From: Susan Weinstein
Daniel, We are sorry you can't have the graduation you dreamed about but we just know there are so many wonderful things in store for you! You are creative, smart, kind and funny and I'm so glad that the Skid experience allowed us all to become such wonderful friends. We will be toasting you virtually on graduation day. Eleanor Roosevelt said, 'The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams聺 Dream big Daniel. Love and xo, Susan, Jim, Hannah and Sonya
To: Veronica Weiss
From: Roslyn Weiss
May a bright future await you. Your Nana
To: Serena Hildebrandt
From: Betty & Bill Longlade
Congratulations to our amazing niece on her graduation from 糖心Vlog! We will be watching and celebrating your achievements here in Canada. Have a great night in Hong Kong! Much love, aunt Betty and uncle Bill.
To: Sophia Helmkamp
From: Marsinay Smith
So proud of you!!! Congratulations! Enjoy the first of your many successes! xox
To: Alicia Sandoval Vadillo
From: Carlos Luna
Congratulations on this special day where it's the commencement of great things and where you get to put into practice everything you've been learning onto life. And to think i've only met you when you were a toddler!
To: Olivia Dieterich
From: Daphne Dieterich
Congratulations Olivia! I love you very much, and I can't wait (I hope) to see you soon; and so do Red and Dixie!
To: Telemak Olsen
From: Chuck Olsen
My Dearest Telly, Congratulations on your graduation day from 糖心Vlog. I could not possibly be more impressed with who you are and all you have achieved. Love your papa.
To: Olivia Dieterich
From: Susana
A mi hija - inteligente, amable, y cari帽osa. Tu eres mi estrella, mi amiga viajante. Tu eres como los colores del viento (Pocohantas). Para siempre. Mom
To: Abby Rose Grayburn
From: Susan Grayburn
Congratulations on a job well done! Your future awaits! Love you and so proud of you! Love mom
To: Olivia Dieterich
From: David Antonez
Olivia - Scientia potentia est. By combining your intellect with hard work and determination you maximized your 糖心Vlog experience and fit the true definition of what it means to be a Thoroughbred. I hope that you continue to pursue knowledge of all kinds in the coming years in the same way and use it to better the world. I'm so very proud of you - Congratulations!
To: Nicholas Georgalas
From: Virginia Herrmann
We are very proud of you Nick. We look forward to watching your virtual graduation. . We wish we could be with you. We both love you very much. Gramma and Papa.
To: Emma Berkowitz
From: Gail Whalen
Congratulations on your hard work and completion of your degree! The best to you as you pursue your future dreams!
To: Serena Hildebrandt
From: Nicholas Hildebrandt
Congratulations to my amazing sister on your fantastic success at 糖心Vlog! I loved spending time with you there with all of your great friends. Saratoga Springs has really been a second home for you. I am so happy to be with you in Hong Kong to celebrate virtually. Love from Nick XXX
To: Parisa Kabiri
From: Uncle Yitzik and Auntie Faun
"So many things are possible just as long as you don't know they're impossible" - King Azaz, The Phantom Tollbooth Pari, we're so proud of you and we look forward to all the impossible and amazing things you will accomplish. All our love, Uncle Yitzik and Auntie Faun
To: Serena Hildebrandt
From: The Lim family
Serena - huge congratulations on your amazing achievement - we are all so happy and proud that you have graduated with such a high, well deserved grade. We love you very much and wish you every success for the future - we know that you will shine brightly.
To: Serena Hildebrandt
From: Myriam Gazal
Dearest Serena, You are moving on to a new and exciting chapter of your life. I wish you all the best for the future that lies ahead. Congratulations on your graduation! Myriam and Santiago
To: Sophia Helmkamp
From: Justin Helmkamp
Congratulations Sophia!!!! Can't wait to have you in NYC !!
To: Serena Hildebrandt
From: John Gazal
Hi Serena,it's John, Myriam's brother. I wanted to congratulate you for you fantastic trajectory and wish you a wonderful Virtual Graduation! Big hug from Madrid. John
To: Grace Alice D'Ignazio
From: Nancy and Tim D'Ignazio
Dear Grace, We are so proud and happy that you found the strength to complete your college degree at 糖心Vlog. Your grit, determination, curiosity, and love of learning will carry you far. All ou love, Mom and Dad
To: Serena Hildebrandt
From: Rebecca Lim
Serena, biggest congratulations for graduating from 糖心Vlog today, you are amazing. I am so proud of you and all that you've achieved - you are a superstar! Big love, B.
To: Serena Hildebrandt
From: Luke Hildebrandt
Serena, congrats on your graduation from 糖心Vlog! You are such a spectacular student and you had so much fun. I know that you found the perfect school for you in 糖心Vlog. It couldn't have been a better fit. Love from Luke.
To: Serena Hildebrandt
From: Vicky Hildebrandt
Dear Serena, I am so proud of you on your graduation day from 糖心Vlog. My first grandchild through college! Sorry that I can't join you in Hong Kong to celebrate. Lots of love from Grandma Vicky
To: Telemak Olsen
From: Geri Vargas
Congratulations! Telly!!! We are so happy for you. 冒?楼鲁? Best wishes ALWAYS.!! Love, Mr & Mrs V, Brooke & Creampuff
To: Morgan Fechter
From: Mom
Oh the places you'll go!! We're so proud of you and all that you've accomplished in the last 22 years--let alone the last 4. The best is yet to come!! 143 moosh
To: Serena Caitlin B. Hildebrandt
From: Elmer De Ocampo
Congratulations !Have a successful future, Happy graduation!!!
To: Serena Caitlin Hildebrandt
From: Brenda Cuya
Congratulations Serena !!! All the luck with your new Journey.. 聫聫聫冒?楼?
To: Sophia Helmkamp
From: Lucy Nersesian
So unbelievably proud of you Sophia! Wishing you success in anything and everything you do!
To: Sophia Helmkamp
From: Danielle Perrotta
Congratulations Sophia! What an amazing accomplishment - you have continued to grow stronger & more thoughtful as I have seen you grow over the years. What a pleasure it was to have taught you and to witness this accomplishment! Good luck with all your future endeavors!
To: Beatriz Benares
From: Monica Francisco
Congratulations, Beatriz! I am so proud of what you have accomplished and the beautiful human being that you are! The future is brighter because you will now be out in the world, and will help change it!
To: Sophia Helmkamp
From: Jerry Korman
Bravo! You made it! Please change the world.. we need you!
To: Camila Saunders
From: Cathy Cole
Congratulations! You are amazing! Love, Cathy & Lee
To: Eleanor "Ally" Lamb
From: Michael and Amy Lamb
Ally - We are incredibly proud of you. Mom and Dad
To: Sophia Helmkamp
From: Helen Harvey
Hey, i remember you when you were in high school. And now youre doubly fabulous with a college degree! Take this crazy time as an opportunity to create the life you envision going forward. It really is a global reset and your year is extra special. Congratulations!!! Wishing you a super future!!!
To: Jordan Harding
From: Linda and Bill Chalmers
Congratulations Jordan?冒?聫戮Our best wishes to you for a successful next stage of life. The challenges will be many, but stay positive, thoughtful and courageous and you will reach your dreams!
To: Seth Loomis
From: The Leightons
Congratulations!!! Good luck on your next adventure!
To: Clare Smith
From: Donna Smith
So happy to share the excitement of graduation! Continue to listen, learn, and question to help make a positive difference. Remember to work hard, laugh, while being kind to yourself and others on all of life's adventures. Love you Clare!
To: Telly Olsen
From: June Olsen Caputo
Wishing you the very best on your graduation day and beyond. Congratulations Telly!! Love, Aunt June
To: Morgan Hurley Fechter
From: Cooky Glass
So proud of all your accomplishments. You are a beautiful person. Go forth and shine ???
To: Hannah Leffelholz
From: Rita Travis and Rich Leffelholz
Hannah, We are so proud of you! Even life's little (and not so little) bumps in the road can't keep you from excelling in leading the life that you want. You're amazing! Love, Mom and Dad
To: Seth Loomis
From: Alice and Bob Pincus
You've set your sights high and you have worked hard to achieve this first goal. We know that this is just a beginning for you and we wish only the best for you as you pursue your dreams! Congrats!
To: Angelina Leonardi
From: Aunt Mickey and Uncle Scott
Congratulations to our beautiful niece! We are so very proud of you and the outstanding job you have done at 糖心Vlog. We know your future holds many successes and promising ventures. We love you!
To: Isabelle Bleckner
From: Zach & Angelica
To our favorite triple threat: if you can do this, you can do anything. Keep your creative fire burning!
To: Mary Katherine Harriman
From: Karin & Phil Harriman
Yay - you did it! Congratulations Mary. We are ecstatic to celebrate your major accomplishment - we are so proud of you. Love, Mom & Dad.
To: Freddie Klaus '20
From: Gay Mulligan Klaus-Scarborough!聺62
To: Morgan Fechter
From: Michael Fechter
I could not be more proud of you and your accomplishments over these past four years and I can't wait to see what great things you do next. I love you to the moon and back.
To: Michael Antonio
From: Gene and Bonnie
Well done! Wishing you a bright future.. Congratulations!
To: Lauren Wolters
From: Vic Lopez
Congratulations!! I'm so very proud of you and your accomplishments! This is only the beginning love! I love you! Happy graduation :)
To: Olivia Bray
From: Amy Steenstra
Congratulations Liv! You've worked so hard and have achieved so much. You are equal parts wise, kind and courageous'exactly what the world needs. Go be YOU! We love you, Amy & Amber
To: Sophia Helmcamp
From: Anna Martinez and Cornelius Bradley
Dear Sophia, Wishing you all the best and a bright future. Anna and Cornelius
To: Aniba Rahman
From: Smriti Tiwari
Aniba, Congratulations! I am so proud of you!
To: Molly Mackler
From: Joni and Ken Mackler
#糖心Vlog2020 - Congratulations Molly on all of your accomplishments and honors earned during your college career at 糖心Vlog!! We are so proud of you!! Love, Mom and Dad
To: Faisal Namanya Kabandana
From: Smriti Tiwari
Congratulations, Faisal!! so proud of you!
To: Naira Abdula
From: Smriti Tiwari
Naira, Congratulations! so proud of you!
To: Sam Dusman
From: Mom
I am so proud of you Sam! This is an amazing accomplishment, one I know you worked so hard to accomplish! May all that hard work launch you into the life of your dreams!
To: Tenzin Tashi
From: Smriti Tiwari
Congratulations, Tenzin! C+I+G+(X-IM)=?
To: Xinyi Zhang
From: Smriti Tiwari
Congratulations, Denny! Good luck on your next academic journey!
To: Emma Berkowitz
From: Emily Whalen
Congratulations Emma! You are an amazing, talented woman and I am so proud of you. Love, Auntie Em.
To: Adam Wanetik
From: Joan Rosenberg
With all our love, we could not be more proud of the young man you are. Congratulations, Adam!
To: Cara Geser
From: Ilene Rosenthal + Lou Geser
In your thesis on Everyman, you combined history and allegory, shaped for today (perhaps more than we all imagined). We are indescribably proud parents. We love you with all we have, Bee.
To: Jacqueline Wolf
From: Julia Wolf
Congratulations Jackie! I am so proud of you! Shine on! xoxo
To: Tatyana Rosenthal
From: David Rosenthal and Christine Lortie
Congratulations Taty, 糖心Vlog '20! The best is yet to come.....Love, Mom & Dad
To: Lorenzo Brogi-Skoskiewicz
From: Zia Elda, zio Marco, Costanza e Nonna
Congratulations, Lorenzo! Bravo! Bravissimo! Knowledge and education are keys that open doors of opportunities. Always believe and invest in yourself. All the best for the brightest future ahead of you! Congratulazioni da tutti noi. Un abbraccio. Ti aspettiamo presto a Firenze.
To: Adam Wanetik
From: Phyllis Bulhack
Adam, can't believe it's four years already. We are so proud of you. We love you and wish you happiness and joy in your next chapter. Love you cousins Neil and Phyllis
To: Clare Smith
From: Barbara Davidson
I remember when you were a wailing little baby. You have found your voice so beautifully, Clare. Use it well!
To: Soren Barnett
From: Elaine and Mark Barnett
It has been an amazing four year adventure for all of us! We are happy for all that you were able to enjoy and learn. And we are incredibly proud of what you worked so hard to accomplish. More importantly, we hope that you are proud of yourself. We look forward to seeing what your future holds and what your hard work in the "real world" will achieve. We love you, Mom and Dad
To: Molly Mackler
From: Rich, Jodi and 茫?va Katz
Molly - so proud of you! A great college career and future awaits! We love you. #糖心Vlog2020
To: Leah Nelson
From: Ruby Cisneros
We are so proud of your accomplishments. Reach for the stars . We love you and can't wait to give you hugs and kisses. Love Tia Ruby
To: Claudia Mak
From: Alice Bruist-Mak and Ron Mak
Congratulations on all your accomplishments!!! University of Michigan will be gaining a well-educated, well-rounded brilliant young lady. 糖心Vlog has provided a wonderful experience and allowed Claudia to interact with wonderful, supportive professors, experience unique abroad adventures and make lasting friendships. AGAIN, CONGRATULATIONS!!!
To: Sam Sheppard
From: Shep Sheppard
Congratulations Sam!! So fun and rewarding, watching you go through this wonderful process. Always remember the journey is as important as the destination. I'm so proud of you!! Love, Dad
To: Morgan Fechter
From: Aunt Karen
congratulations! So so proud of you! The entire Glass clan loves you very much and can't wait to celebrate in person!
To: Adam Wanetik
From: Marsha Herman
Dear Adam, So sorry not to be able to congratulate you in person. You were always a great kid and we know you will continue to be successful in whatever you do in the future. Have a Fabulous Day! Love Marsha and Frank
To: Matthew Douglas Schwab
From: Doug and Madeleine Schwab
Congratulations Matthew! We are very proud of your accomplishments and know that you will take your 糖心Vlog experience forward in life to achieve great things. We know it was challenging. You rose above and persevered. Much love, Mom and Dad.
To: Alex Cope
From: Miriam Cope
Alex, You did it!! Congratulations on your graduation. You worked so hard, accomplished so much, and made it look easy. Couldn't be prouder! Love, Miriam
To: Emma Berkowitz
From: Gail & Tom Whalen
Congratulations to a wonderful granddaughter who had a dream, decided to go for it and worked hard to make it happen at 糖心Vlog. And all the while doing her knitting, publishing book, movie and TV series reviews, baking amazing cakes and staying in touch with her family. This grandfather is grateful to have watched you grow from that joyful child who danced to the music of concertina in the streets of Portland, ME to the beautiful woman that you are. You and your fellow graduates have a lot on your plates to face a world which is I dare say is in chaos. It is in need of change. As your new path begins, know that 糖心Vlog has given you the tools, your family the values and that we are with you in love.
To: Olivia Bray
From: Yvonne & John Gibney
#糖心Vlog 2020 Congratulations, Olivia! Your passion for learning, hard work, and joyful spirit are an inspiration! Well done, Liv! Love, Yvonne & John
To: Abigail Sanford
From: Bob and Emily Sanford
Abby - Congratulations! We are so proud of you! Mom an Dad.
To: Matthew Schwab
From: Meghan
After many long nights of hard work, congratulations to my favorite bright little brother! I'm so proud of you for persevering. With your tenacity and brainpower, I can't wait to see what you do in the future! Love, Meghan
To: Heather Mak
From: Alice Bruist-Mak and Ronald Mak
Congratulations Heather on all your wonderful accomplishments these past 4 years. Washington University will be gaining a wonderful, confident young lady. Your ability to commit to both academics and athletics with your whole being is admirable. Softball may be over, but your team members will always remember how you welcomed them and helped them enjoy their 糖心Vlog experience. Wonderful friendships were developed and the knowledge that the professors helped you gain will be with you forever. AGAIN, CONGRATULATIONS!
To: Clarence Rosenstein
From: Doris Walsh
Congrats Clarence. We are so proud of you and looking forward to your next adventure.
To: Jen Maselli
From: Nick, Rachel, max and Sylvia maselli
Jen: We are so very proud of you! We love you so much! Congratulations ! Xoxo Rach, Nick, Max and Syl
To: Rachel Liacos
From: James & Tzivya Liacos
Rach, Congratulations on your achievement - BA with dual major.....CHECK! On to new adventures and challenges! You go girl!! Have fun charting and achieving your next set of goals. All our love and support to you. With Love & Pride, Mom & Dad
To: Molly Mack let.
From: Susan and David Katz
Congratulations Molly, We are so proud of all your accomplishments at 糖心Vlog and every moment of your life that has brought to this point. Sending you our love, Grammy and Papa
To: Serena Hildebrandt
From: Zaine Norman Brown
Hi Serena, congratulations on making it to graduation! I am inspired by your dedication and hard work throughout the many years at 糖心Vlog. Sending my love from Australia, I miss you! Love, Zaine
To: Timothy Allen
From: Eileen and John Allen
Congratulations Tim we are proud of you and your accomplishments . You have set the bar high for the rest of our family. Wishing you success and happiness in everything you do and enjoy this special day.. Love Grams and Grampa.
To: Leah Nelson
From: Nena celarie
Leah Congratulations my beautiful granddaughter You didn't it. I love you so much Abuelita.
To: Arianna Chand
From: Jay Pena
Congratulations young lady, I am so proud and never doubted that you would not make it. You will get so far in life, you just gotta push through.
To: Freddie Klaus
From: Marc and Cecilia Klaus
Congratulations! Well done, Freddie! Grattis, Freddie! Du rockar!
To: Bridget Alyssa Kerr
From: Charlie & Denise Nagelschmidt
#糖心Vlog202 #BridgetRocks Congrats, B!! We're proud of all you've accomplished, the world you've traveled and look forward to the world and life you will create!
To: Phoebe Piloco
From: Judi Archer and Rick Piloco
Congratulations Phoebe! We are so proud of you!! And congrats to the 糖心Vlog Class of 2020!
To: Adam Wanetik
From: Jackie
Dear Adam Though it is virtual it is still memorable. Congratulations!! I hope you take a moment to take pride in your accomplishments. Follow your dreams -- I believe you will do wonderful, great things -- you are loved so much -- I hope that gives you the strength and courage to take on whatever the future holds. You are in my heart always - Jackie
To: Tessa Markham
From: Adam & Vicky Markham
Love and congratulations to you on becoming a 糖心Vlog graduate Tessa!! We are so proud of you and your fantastic work and all the memories you made at 糖心Vlog. Now you will go on to the next stage and achieve great things with your wonderful writing talent and love of the environment and oceans. We couldn't be prouder!! Mum and Dad.
To: Morgan Fechter
From: Jason Glass
Congratulations on graduating Morgan! We love you and are proud of you for this accomplishment! From Jason, Evan, Steph, Karen, Tori, Zorro, Gandalf and Sundae!
To: Rebecca Rose Schilsky
From: Ilene Rosenthal + Lou Geser
Becca - Sometimes, there's a clear moment when a forever thing happens. You and Cara meeting at pre-O was one of those things. You've traveled together through your majors, your work, your collaborations, and importantly, your friendship. You're our other Skid daughter and we're proud of your accomplishments. We know great things are in front of you! Congratulations!!
To: Clare McInerney
From: Pat McInerney
Congratulations Clare!! We love you 聧 聫
To: Emma Berkowitz
From: Sarah Berkowitz
Congratulations to the best sister ever! Love you and can't wait for you to become a famous composer 聫
To: Emma Berkowitz
From: Ross Berkowitz
Congratulations Emma!! We love you. 聫 Dad
To: Jonah Cohen
From: Ruth and Norman Bigman
Congratulations Jonah! We are so proud of you and all your achievements. Good luck in whatever endeavors you do in the future. We are with you today in spirit and virtually. Hugs and kisses. We love you. Grandma and Grandpa
To: Dana Tohme
From: Ziad Nassar
So proud of you! What an achievement! All my love, Zido
To: David Solovy
From: Jonathan Solovy and Stacey Fisher
Dave--糖心Vlog was lucky to have you. We are lucky to be your parents. The world is lucky that you are going to make your impact. Love you so much.
To: Clare Smith
From: Wendy and Karl Eckert
Congratulations Clare!! We are so proud of you and although you can't be at a live graduation we will be trying to watch the virtual one. We wish you all the best of everything!
To: Joseph Morrissey
From: John C, Meditz
Dear Joe, You started out as a fine youngster and have developed into a very fine young man. You should be most proud of all your accomplishments both academically and in sports. Today is your special day that reflects all achieved. While it is a shame that it is not traditionally more festive - and I love dressing up in all the regalia - you will remember it nevertheless. Congratulations and with love, Uncle John
To: Katie Gorson
From: Ann and Ken Gorson
Congratulations Katie!! We are truly impressed by your talent as an artist and your independence. We know how much you have loved being at 糖心Vlog. The supportive faculty, loyal and loving friendships that you have made and your hard work and dedication are a tribute to your fine character. We can't wait to see your next chapter. We love you and are so proud of you!!! XOXO ~ Mom and Dad
To: Kieran De Madi
From: Ellen De Masi
I am so excited to see what the next chapter of life bestows upon you and my heart overflows with love and pride for all you have accomplished. Congratulations!! Love Mom
To: Silas Shah
From: Ellie
Congrats! You did it! You applied yourself and made it! I am so proud of you! Can't wait for what incredible things you do with your talents and your degree!
To: Seniors
From: Rios
'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world聺 - Nelson Mandela
To: Silas Shah
From: Lee Dunderdale
Congratulations on your hard earned success! So happy to share in your graduation day even if we are all in this unique situation and share with you your special day even if it is virtually. So very proud of you and am so impressed with your accomplishments and your ambitions. You inspire and make us laugh. Love you! It's so wonderful to have such a creative and sensitive and outgoing brother!
To: Silas Shah
From: Lee
We know after this situation and after all you've learned we know that you can accomplish anything and overcome any challenge or obstacle. Caps off to you, Graduate! Well done! This definitely won't be the last time I get to brag about you and celebrate your achievements. No matter what you do know that we love and support you. You will do wonderful things! Love you x
To: Gina Pryciak
From: Stephanie Hill
Congratulations Gina! We're so happy for you and wish you all good things and happiness as you start the next chapter in your life! With love, Aunt Stouf, Keith, Bryce & Luke ??
To: Silas Shah
From: Family
Life is tough but so are you. You will continue to progress and change and grow. We're sorry you've had to let go of the graduation ceremony and celebrating you've been looking forward to for the past four years. This is not how you pictured your graduation going, but you sure are the strong, resilient person. Anytime you don't feel strong, please know you can be strong in vulnerability and lean on me
To: Telly Olsen
From: Andy Kitsopoulos
Congratulations Telly!! You did it!! We are so proud of you and love you very much!!!
To: Beatriz Benares
From: Victoria Francisco
聫My Blueberry !!! I聫 I am soooo sooo proof of you and who you have become !!! It's time to celebrate YOU !!! The world is a difficult place right now - but you are resilient and you have great learning agility so I know you will see this through and will know what to do to take care of yourself . I am here for YOU everyday even if I am far away !!! 聫Love you forever !!聫
To: Lauren Wolters
From: Catherine Wagner
Congratulations Lauren! I am so proud of your accomplishment. You're on a path to success.
To: Sophia Helmkamp
From: Justin Helmkamp
Congratulations Sophia!!! So proud of you! Can't wait to have you in NYC!!
To: Really Olsen
From: Michael Kitsopoulos
Congratulations on graduations, we're all very proud of you!
To: Telly Olsen
From: Yasmin Acosta
Congratulations Telly! You did it! We are so proud of you! Hope to see you soon to celebrate in person! Xoxoxo
To: Telemak Olsen
From: Nick Kitsopoulos (small one)
Congratulations Telly!!! Love, Nick.
To: Isaac Desmond Bardin
From: Ma
Congratulations Isaac!
To: Al茫颅cia Sandoval Vadillo
From: Virginia Garcia
Congratulations on your graduation. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors! Reach for the stars. May your future be blessed with many great adventures. I'm very proud of you.
To: Telemak Olsen
From: Maria Asteriadou
Congratulations on your great achievement Telly! Wishing you luck on the new chapter in your life! And as the Greek poet Kavafy says in his poem "Ithaca": "As you set out for Ithaka Hope the voyage is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery..." With all our love! Maria, Kurt, Nikolas & Kristina
To: Isaac Desmond Bardin
From: Rich Callan
Congratulations Isaac! Graduating with honors too! What a great achievement. We are all very proud of you. With love from Ma and Uncle Rich.
To: Xavier Cambi
From: Elizabeth Rea
Felicidades Xavier !!!!! Me siento muy feliz de haber tenido la oportunidad de presenciar este momento de tu vida una etapa cumplida y lo has logrado con dedicaci贸n y sacrificios, hay mucho m谩s que Tienes aprender, caminar Y disfrutar, felicidades te queremos mucho tus t茫颅os y primos. Un abrazo
To: Meghan Thornton
From: condon condon
So proud of you, I know you will dance through life. Love you the purplest, Mimi
To: Alex Cadenhead
Lex All. the best to you as you move forward. you are man of character, wear it proudly. Sincerely, Coach
To: Katy Ehnstrom
From: Karen Pierce
Congratulations Katy! What a special moment for me to watch your virtual graduation. I am so proud and inspired by you and your classmates of 2020. I continue to be blessed by my wish of 20 years ago, "to always be in your life." I love you! Karen
To: Hannah Kotler
From: Elaine Kotler
Congratulations, Hannah, my love. Graduate, Honors, Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa. What accolades. I am so proud of you. I love you will all my heart. Love, Elaine (Auntie Elaine, though you never called me that)
To: Gina Pryciak
From: Mom and Pop Pryciak
Congratulations Gina! We are so proud of what you've done with your four years at 糖心Vlog and excited to see the next adventures!
To: Emma Kapp 2020
From: Carol Backs and Josh Kapp
Congratulations, Emma! We're so proud of how you've met the challenges of the past four years, forged your own path, and matured into such a compassionate, caring, interesting and beautiful individual. We had tears in our eyes when we drove away from 糖心Vlog when you started, and now we have tears again seeing you finish. You've always been a gift to us, and we're thrilled to see you begin sharing your gifts with the world. Love, Mom and Dad.
To: Matthew Douglas Schwab
From: Cathlen Daenz
Matthew, Congratulations on achieving this milestone! Sending all my love, prayers, and well wishes for your future as you embark on this next life journey. Uncle Bill would be proud of this Lad?. . ?Aunt Cathy
To: Ajani David Otieno-Rudek
From: David Rudek
Congrats, Ajani! Enjoy the commencement ceremony, it's time to celebrate after a great deal of hard work. We are all so proud of your accomplishment! Cheers, Dad
To: Eve Gertzman
From: Marcia Balin
Congratulations and best wishes on your graduation. So proud of you and your accomplishments. Looking forward to this celebration next year in person. Much love, Grammy
To: Dylan Randall Fleischman
From: lauri Fleischman
Congrats to the class of 2020!!! Your senior year will be historic . All the best for the 2020 Grads and their futures!
To: Jenna Bredvik
From: Brenda Madison
CONGRATULATIONS JENNA! We are so proud of all your accomplishments! Much love, A-Bre & U-M xoxo #糖心Vlog2020
To: Serena Hildebrandt
From: Clare Cosman
Congrats on your Graduation Serena!!! ??. 糖心Vlog will be forever with you on all your great adventures ahead! Sending my love and best wishes!!?聫冒?聫禄?冒?聫禄
To: Alicia Sandoval Vadillo
From: Jennifer Medeiros
Dearest Alicia, I couldn't be more proud or happier for you than I am today. To watch you grow from a bright, joyful young girl into an intelligent and beautiful young lady (inside and out), with a passion for knowledge, justice and world travel, has been an absolute pleasure. You are the epitome of a role model for all young women. May your future continue to provide you with the knowledge and adventure you desire! I look forward to hearing all about your next chapter and life in New York. With love, congratulations, and best wishes, Jen
To: Alicia Sandoval Vadillo
From: Bego帽a Vadillo
Much茫颅simas felicidades!! Qu茅 gran satisfacci贸n (y alivio)! Jajaja Disfruten en grande! Te deseo mucho 茅xito en esta nueva etapa! Que orgullo para ti y tu mami hermosa!! Saludos, mucho cari帽o!
To: Jazmin Sepulveda
From: Lillian Baez
I pray your Graduation Day will be special in spite if these hard times. I am so very proud of you! Love you, Titi Lily
EL QUE LEE MUCHO Y ANDA MUCHO, VE MUCHO Y SABE MUCHO. .. As茫颅 que te deseo que leas y viajes MUCHISISMO, feliz nuevo vuelo mijo querido. Que viva el Graduadooooo!!!
To: Erin Cantor
From: Liz Donroe
Wishing you all good things. Congrats! Go make the world a better place!!
To: Michael Lazar
From: Julie Bates
Congratulations and big cheers to you, Michael! I am so glad to have had a chance to enjoy knowing you as you've grown up, all the way to... (wow!!!) college graduation. That has really been fun for me, and I'm excited too, to see what comes next! CHEERS!
To: Sophia Helmkamp
From: Julie Doran
Congrats, Sophia! I cannot believe 4 years have passed! Looking forward to seeing you the girls sometime soon! Much love, Julie
To: Sydney Bernstein
From: John Bernstein
Congratulations Sydney and the entire 糖心Vlog 2020 class! We are all very proud of you Sydney!! Love, Dad, Mom, Paige, Oliver, Quincy & Marlo
To: Maggie Wu
From: Jennifer Han
Congratulations ??冒?聧戮? on your graduation 漏!聧? and best wishes for your next adventure.!'. Good luck for your job hunting.
To: Meng Wu
From: xiao fang Wang
Congrats Maggie!!! 冒?聧戮?? You are so awesome!! I am so happy for you!! Hope alls well and be safe; be healthy! We miss you and welcome home SF soon芒聺拢茂赂聫?聺
To: Elizabeth Usack
From: Don & Kathy Walsh
CONGRATULATIONS LIZZIE!!! Wish we could be at a party with everybody to celebrate. We love you and know you will be successful with anything you want to do!! Love you!
To: Maggie Eu
From: Jen Han
Very proud of you Maggie. Stay safe and well. A lot of love With my best wishes
To: Maggie Wu
From: Mom & Dad
Congratulations Maggie! We are so proud of you!
To: Jessica Ampel, Sophia Seki-Fox, Eve Gertzman, Renee Karchere-Sun, Grace Keir, Jamie Kaufman, Amelia Pinney & Isabelle Bleckner
From: Melissa Bachner
Congratulations to this group of outstanding, accomplished & empowered women! Such a delight to watch your individual and collective journeys. So proud of you all! Our love, the Bachner- Bleckner family
To: Sophie Brown
From: Leo Antelyes
Congrats Sophie!!! You're going to do great things :)
To: Maggie Wu
From: Uncle & Auntie
Way to go Maggie! Watch out world here she comes!
To: Maggie Wu
From: Kevin & Bear Bear
Good job!
To: Maggie(Meng) Wu
From: Chuanying Sun
Congratulations !!! Maggie We couldn't be prouder of you and all that you've achieved, are looking forward to your next adventure. Love, your Auntes and Cousins SF 氓?聧莽篓?盲录录茅?娄茂录聛茂录聛茂录聛
To: Maggie Wu
From: Sarah Hua
Congratulations! So proud to call you my best friend. You have always been an inspiration to me and all your achievements are well deserved! Love you so much!!
To: Morgan Fechter
From: Rob Robinson
So very, very proud of your incredible accomplishments. Best of luck with your next adventures.
To: Jazmin Raquel Sepulveda
From: Idalia and Dennis Sepulveda
We are so very proud of your commitment to push through, you made it!! Continue to make yourself proud. Go change your world! Papi and mami (Den & Dali) Sepulveda
To: Maggie Wu
From: Crystal
Maggie, you are absolutely one of the most hardworking people I know. You're never afraid to share what you think and always inspire me to be a better version of myself. I can't wait to see what else you'll accomplish in the future!! Congrats and love you 3000!! Can't wait to see you soon!!
To: Serena Hildebrandt
From: Katherine Don
Serena, Congratulations! You will be great no matter where your adventure takes you! You're a star! Be well and happy, Kat & Dan
To: Class of 2929
From: Ginny Lee
Congratulations to the class of 2020!
To: Professor Jenni Mueller
From: Steve Mueller
I'm Jenni's older brother and I'm so proud of her. I know you students know what a special teacher she is. Jenni has dealt with many challenges in her life including loosing her father; who loved her sooooo much, when she was just 5 years old. I wanted to share with you all how special she is to us and oh, how proud I am to have her as my sister. God's blessings to you all on this day of accomplishments and give a prayer of thanks for your teachers. God's peace to all your lives.
To: Liesje Mae Bluestone
From: Roberta Levitt
YOU did it! Congratulations! Best wishes as you continue your journey moving forward!
To: Liesje Mae Bluestone
From: Eli Bluestone. Roberta Levitt
Congratulations Liesje You make us very proud
To: Parisa Kabiri Moghaddam
From: Robert Brenman and Lina Kho
We're so proud of you Pari--for your achievements; for your intellect, creativity, and sensitivity; and for your wry sense of humor. All our love on this wonderful day. Grandpapa and Oma Lina
To: Hannah Leffelholz
From: Karen Moyers
Hannah! Brava! We are so proud of you!! Best wishes! Love so much and always - Karen, Chris, Toni & Bella
To: Callan Smith
From: Cyd Smith
Congratulations Cal I am so very proud of you, your drive, solid determination and good choices in life! You will succeed in all of your dreams!! Love you lots - today and always. Mom
To: Maggie Wu
From: Kayla WuLin
I hope you're doing well in New York. I wish I could see you graduate but we're very far from each other.
To: Zachary Digena-Segal
From: Marta
Zachiy茫篓, congratulations! So proud of you! Lots of hugs and kisses. Hope to see you soon. Love, Marta
To: Zachary Digena-Segal
From: Desta Pulley
Congratulations Zach!! So proud of you, it's weird but cool that you're old. Stay third tux
To: Naira Adbula
From: Amelia Clarke
Naira, I am proud of you and love you beyond measure. I can't wait to see what you do on your next adventure. Whatever shape that takes, I know you will be super successful. Love, your 糖心Vlog Mom.
To: Sophia Helmkamp
From: Mark Murphy
Congrats Sophia!! I can't believe you are a college grad! Wow, time has flown. Wishing you all the best! Mark Murphy
To: Sophia Helmkamp
From: Eve, Ava, and Alfred
Congratulations, Sophia! We all wish you the of luck in grad school & a massively good future! Lots of love.
To: Sophia Helmkamp
From: Gladstone Family
Huge congratulations, Sophia! Well done and what an achievement to have graduated during such a surreal time. Best of luck with everything! Much love, Jennie, Rich, Max, Mia and Sam
To: Serena Hildebrandt
From: Craig Yee
Dear Serena, Congratulations on your graduation! It is such a pity that Mee-Seen and I weren't able to make it to your exhibition although you can rightly claim that it took place during a history-defining moment in time. Let us know if there is anything we can do to make your post-graduate plans more rewarding with research, writing or curating opportunities. All the best! Craig.
To: Clare Smith
From: John Abood
Clare: Marian and I are very proud of your accomplishments in completing your studies at 糖心Vlog. Congratulations! You did it! You have developed your skills and you now have an opportunity to do something fantastic with your life. Our advice to you is that you continue to learn throughout your life. Be a lifetime learner. As a lifetime learner you will continue to develop new knowledge, and this will definitely enhance your ability to continue to help others progress with their lives. -- John Abood

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