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Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


February 8, 2008
Gannett Auditorium

I. Approval of Minutes - December 7, 2007

II. Vice President for Academic Affairs Report 鈥 Susan Kress

I. Dean of the Faculty Report 鈥 Muriel Poston

III. Old Business

IV. New Business

I. Resolution 鈥 UWW Candidates for the Degree 鈥 Mary Di-Santo Rose
II. FEC 鈥 Dan Curley

I. Motion - Faculty Handbook, Part Six (website)
II. Motions - Part Two, Article II, Section F - Faculty Advisory Board and Advisory Panel

V. Reports

I. Sarah Goodwin 鈥 Update on Dean of Student Affairs Search
II. Pat Oles 鈥 Senior Week Symposium and Case/Ladd Task Force
III. CEPP 鈥 Deb Hall 鈥 Update on Activities

VI. Other

VIII. Announcements

I. Mary Ann Foley 鈥 FDC 鈥 Faculty Development Grant Recipients/Ralph A. Ciancio Award for Excellence in Teaching Nominations
II. Dan Nathan 鈥 Athletic Council
III. David Vella 鈥 Science & Society Conference
IV. Ray Giguere 鈥 Molecules That Matter/Nanotechnology Panel - February 26
V. Sadiatu Kamara 鈥 SGA - Academic Council
VI. Michael West, Office of the Vice President for Finance & Administration 鈥 Invitation to Community Reception - Murray-Aikins Dining Hall, Banquet Room